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Show hand : 154935

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Handnr: 154935
Submitted by : wolfheart

***** Hand History for Game 5739494974 *****
$10 NL Texas Hold'em - Tuesday, March 06, 05:20:10 ET 2007
Table Table 131135 (Real Money)
Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 9
Seat 2: Vzyarosh2006 ( $9.90 )
Seat 3: wasted229 ( $6.95 )
Seat 10: FearSquad ( $2.85 )
Seat 7: wolfheart_en ( $9.90 )
Seat 9: B_Dawg80 ( $11.65 )
Seat 4: Heffarao ( $9.30 )
Seat 8: sinat123 ( $1.13 )
Seat 5: jonjack555 ( $3.04 )
Seat 6: louzyplaya ( $11.75 )
louzyplaya posts small blind [$0.05].
wolfheart_en posts big blind [$0.10].

Dealt to wolfheart_en 9s7s
sinat123 folds
B_Dawg80 raises [$0.40]
FearSquad folds
Vzyarosh2006 folds
wasted229 folds
Heffarao folds
jonjack555 folds
louzyplaya folds
wolfheart_en calls [$0.30]

Flop (Pot : $0.85)

wolfheart_en checks
B_Dawg80 bets [$0.10]
wolfheart_en calls [$0.10]

Turn (Pot : $1.05)

wolfheart_en checks
B_Dawg80 bets [$0.40]
Acidbrain333 has joined the table.
wolfheart_en is all-In [$9.40]
B_Dawg80 calls [$9]

River (Pot : $19.85)

B_Dawg80 shows AdAs a full house, Aces full of Nines.
wolfheart_en shows 9s7s four of a kind, Nines.
wolfheart_en wins $18.90 from the main pot with four of a kind, Nines.

the way he bets 10c i was sure he floped good hand could be AA or AK if 9 hit i thought fuck if he has AA i am fucked anways but if AK he pays me off

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wolfheart   Estonia. Mar 06 2007 03:25. Posts 7592

yea i suckout somone ..god its good as sex lol

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Baalim   Mexico. Mar 06 2007 03:31. Posts 34260

rofl 1 outer

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

Muhweli   Finland. Mar 06 2007 03:36. Posts 10663

Explains why you're not broke yet! ;D

Floofy says: my dick is easily bigger than 90% of guys i checked it on the net | Floofy says: i im also doing movements  


All hands submitted by wolfheart:

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