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Show hand : 156058

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Handnr: 156058
Submitted by : Stevchy

#Game No : 5747675976
***** Hand History for Game 5747675976 *****
NL Texas Hold'em Trny:32169598 Level:11 Blinds-Antes(1000/2000 -75) - Thursday, March 08, 13:22:31 ET 2007
Table $8K Gtd Speed Rebuy (943219) Table #29 (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Goodgellas ( $86700 )
Seat 2: ullik291 ( $73270 )
Seat 3: jimmymac3464 ( $19680 )
Seat 4: Fogge75 ( $29080 )
Seat 5: Stevchy ( $13700 )
Seat 6: nanakizzz ( $17725 )
Seat 7: clarkyuk222 ( $3000 )
Seat 8: jonick111 ( $5585 )
Seat 9: TheAshes05 ( $35310 )
Seat 10: mulley47 ( $38595 )
Trny:32169598 Level:11
Blinds-Antes(1000/2000 -75)
Goodgellas posts ante [75].
ullik291 posts ante [75].
jimmymac3464 posts ante [75].
Fogge75 posts ante [75].
Stevchy posts ante [75].
nanakizzz posts ante [75].
clarkyuk222 posts ante [75].
jonick111 posts ante [75].
TheAshes05 posts ante [75].
mulley47 posts ante [75].

Dealt to Stevchy QhAh
mulley47 calls [2000]
Goodgellas folds
ullik291 folds
jimmymac3464 calls [2000]
Fogge75 folds
Stevchy calls [2000]
nanakizzz folds
clarkyuk222 folds
jonick111 calls [1000]
TheAshes05 checks

Flop (Pot : $7750)

jonick111 checks
TheAshes05 checks
mulley47 checks
jimmymac3464 checks
Stevchy checks

Turn (Pot : $7750)

jonick111 checks
TheAshes05 checks
mulley47 checks
jimmymac3464 is all-In [17605]
Stevchy is all-In [11625]
jonick111 folds
TheAshes05 folds
mulley47 folds

River (Pot : $36980)

jimmymac3464 shows 8sAs two pairs, Aces and Eights.
Stevchy shows QhAh a pair of Aces.
jimmymac3464 wins 5980 chips from side pot #1 with two pairs, Aces and Eights.
jimmymac3464 wins 34000 chips from the main pot with two pairs, Aces and Eights

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