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Show hand : 156106

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Handnr: 156106
Submitted by : Stim_Abuser

Hand #40380430-76 at Lincoln (No Limit Hold'em)
Started at 08/Mar/07 16:00:54

doc-k is at seat 0 with $41 .95 .
stockplayer42 is at seat 2 with $104 .85 .
StimAbuser is at seat 3 with $255 .80 .
jocorsica is at seat 4 with $87 .
Dixieland02 is at seat 5 with $288 .55 .
The button is at seat 2 .

StimAbuser posts the small blind of $1 .
jocorsica posts the big blind of $2 .

doc-k: -- --
stockplayer42: -- --
StimAbuser: AcAh
jocorsica: -- --
Dixieland02: -- --

Dixieland02 raises to $7 . doc-k folds .
stockplayer42 calls . StimAbuser re-raises to $36 .
jocorsica folds . Dixieland02 calls . stockplayer42
folds .



StimAbuser bets $60 . Dixieland02 calls .



StimAbuser goes all-in for $159 .80 . Dixieland02
calls .



(no action in this round)


StimAbuser showsAcAh .
StimAbuser hasAcAhJdQhKc : a pair of aces .
Dixieland02 showsKdKh .
Dixieland02 hasKdKhJdQhKc : three kings .


$2 is raked from a pot of $520 .60 .
Dixieland02 wins $518 .60 with three kings .

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