I didn't bet the river because I figured he wouldn't call me with anything I have beat although I thought flush draw was pretty strong possibility. If the flush card would've hit, I would've folded to a bet, but he called quite large sum on the turn as well. Gimmie opinion?
Floofy says: my dick is easily bigger than 90% of guys i checked it on the net | Floofy says: i im also doing movements
Ibsu Bai Hui United Kingdom. Dec 09 2005 03:21. Posts 3390
yeh sound check
on stars i would often sense they were on the gay draw and value bet and watch them fold to a dollar or whatever, just to make fun of them
Floofy says: my sis always goes around in bra but its annopyying to me
Rocks2BeGood Netherlands. Dec 09 2005 03:47. Posts 3582