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Handnr: 160034 Submitted by : Twisted
rounder 5 is at seat 0 with $390 .20 .
dbsdiamonds is at seat 1 with $188 .80 .
Fish1984 is at seat 2 with $828 .10 .
Reimann is at seat 4 with $616 .40 (sitting out) .
Tech5 is at seat 5 with $723 .40 .
The button is at seat 1 .
Fish1984 posts the small blind of $2 .
Tech5 posts the big blind of $4 .
Holecards rounder 5: -- --
dbsdiamonds : -- --
Tech5: -- --
rounder 5 folds . dbsdiamonds raises to $8 . Fish1984
calls . Tech5 calls .
Fish1984 bets $18 . Tech5 raises to $66 . dbsdiamonds
folds . Fish1984 re-raises to $222 . Tech5 goes
all-in for $715 .40 . Fish1984 calls .
(no action in this round)
(no action in this round)
Tech5 shows .
Tech5 has    : ace high .
Fish1984 shows .
Fish1984 has    : three sixes .
$2 is raked from a pot of $1454 .80 .
Fish1984 wins $1452 .80 with three sixes .
monkey on tilt
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