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Show hand : 163619

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Handnr: 163619
Submitted by : Rhaegar

Hand #40568437-5834 at Oshkosh (No Limit Hold'em)
Started at 26/Mar/07 02:32:18

YelloSub86 is at seat 0 with $14573 .50 .
MikeVickIsGod is at seat 1 with $5000 .
ceacers is at seat 2 with $3563 .
StillTippin is at seat 3 with $6533 .50 .
TheMalkavian is at seat 4 with $14026 .
midora is at seat 5 with $3446 .
The button is at seat 2 .

StillTippin posts the small blind of $25 .
TheMalkavian posts the big blind of $50 .

YelloSub86: -- --
MikeVickIsGod : -- --
ceacers : -- --
StillTippin: -- --
TheMalkavian: 5c4c
midora: -- --

midora folds . YelloSub86 raises to $175 .
MikeVickIsGod calls . ceacers folds . StillTippin
calls . TheMalkavian calls .



StillTippin checks . TheMalkavian checks . YelloSub86
bets $600 . MikeVickIsGod raises to $2500 .
StillTippin folds . TheMalkavian re-raises to $5500 .
YelloSub86 goes all-in for $14398 .50 . MikeVickIsGod
goes all-in for $4825 . TheMalkavian folds .
YelloSub86 is returned $8898 .50 (uncalled) .



(no action in this round)



(no action in this round)


YelloSub86 shows8h8d .
YelloSub86 has8h8d8c6s9c : three eights .
MikeVickIsGod showsAc7c .
MikeVickIsGod hasAc7c8c2c9c : flush, ace high .


$3 is raked from a total pot of $16525 .
$3 is raked from the main pot of $15175 .
$0 is raked from side pot #1 of $1350 .
MikeVickIsGod wins the main pot $15172 with flush, ace high .
YelloSub86 wins the side pot $1350 with three eights .

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Rhaegar    Bulgaria. Mar 26 2007 00:35. Posts 2586

omfg, i had this fucking intuition, telling me raise small so that when yellow pushes in you can fold, cause hell have top set and the other guy nut flush. and i fucking told them their hands in the chat - top set for yellow and nut fd for mike OMFG :D

I should have just minireraised though.

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One very suspicious playerLast edit: 26/03/2007 00:53

hansen jr.   Sweden. Mar 26 2007 00:37. Posts 3735


wolfheart   Estonia. Mar 26 2007 00:38. Posts 7592

wow thats sick laydown

Never give up. 


All hands submitted by Rhaegar:

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