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Show hand : 163708

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Handnr: 163708
Submitted by : wolfheart

***** Hand History for Game 5808247637 *****
$ 10 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Monday, March 26, 08:38:21 ET 2007
Table Table 126218 (Real Money)
Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Neromanic ( $ 5 USD )
Seat 3: Aplys1a ( $ 1.60 USD )
Seat 4: hjensens ( $ 4 USD )
Seat 6: Boet90 ( $ 21.70 USD )
Seat 7: mikl305 ( $ 6 USD )
Seat 8: Mik3sch ( $ 4.55 USD )
Seat 9: DeadRabbiddd ( $ 8.05 USD )
Seat 10: Guinst ( $ 4.50 USD )
Seat 5: wolfheart_en ( $ 15.80 USD )
Seat 2: gonzales17 ( $ 7.45 USD )
Boet90 posts small blind [$ 0.05 USD].
mikl305 posts big blind [$ 0.10 USD].

Dealt to wolfheart_en JdJc
Mik3sch folds
DeadRabbiddd calls [$ 0.10 USD]
Guinst raises [$ 0.40 USD]
gonzales17 folds
Aplys1a folds
hjensens folds
wolfheart_en raises [$ 1.20 USD]
Boet90 folds
mikl305 folds
DeadRabbiddd folds
Guinst calls [$ 0.80 USD]

Flop (Pot : $0)

Guinst checks
wolfheart_en checks

Turn (Pot : $0)

Guinst bets [$ 1.11 USD]
wolfheart_en folds
Guinst does not show cards .
Guinst wins $ 3.66 USD

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wolfheart   Estonia. Mar 26 2007 06:36. Posts 7592

standard play?

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Never give up. 

keuner   Germany. Mar 26 2007 06:36. Posts 1535

cbet flop

lol hepatitis is like roulette it depends which letter you get - rockman255 

wolfheart   Estonia. Mar 26 2007 06:38. Posts 7592

I dont like this he is shostacks and sure he will call with K or Q

Never give up. 

redrain0125   Canada. Mar 26 2007 06:41. Posts 5455

at least it lets you fold knowing youre beat


All hands submitted by wolfheart:

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