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Show hand : 166215

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Handnr: 166215
Submitted by : Stevchy

***** Hand History for Game 5822538946 *****
NL Texas Hold'em Trny:32595787 Level:12 Blinds-Antes(1,500/3,000 -75) - Friday, March 30, 13:28:27 ET 2007
Table $8K Gtd Speed Rebuy (969112) Table #1 (Real Money)
Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 9
Seat 1: blubb55111 ( 3,750 )
Seat 2: martyni6789 ( 15,982 )
Seat 3: TT786 ( 35,000 )
Seat 4: DJSoulGlow ( 26,275 )
Seat 5: Daiv_ ( 43,391 )
Seat 7: koewenig ( 103,478 )
Seat 9: Stevchy ( 11,897 )
Seat 6: jeton2631 ( 41,100 )
Seat 10: AndreKo_RJ ( 122,132 )
Trny:32595787 Level:12
Blinds-Antes(1,500/3,000 -75)
blubb55111 posts ante [75]
martyni6789 posts ante [75]
TT786 posts ante [75]
DJSoulGlow posts ante [75]
Daiv_ posts ante [75]
jeton2631 posts ante [75]
koewenig posts ante [75]
Stevchy posts ante [75]
AndreKo_RJ posts ante [75]

Dealt to Stevchy AhAs
KPOBOCOC57 has joined the table.
Player KPOBOCOC57 has been moved from table 51 to this table
jeton2631 calls [3,000]
koewenig folds
Stevchy is all-In [11,822]
AndreKo_RJ folds
blubb55111 folds
martyni6789 folds
TT786 folds
DJSoulGlow folds
Daiv_ folds
jeton2631 calls [8,822]

Flop (Pot : $675)


Turn (Pot : $675)


River (Pot : $675)

jeton2631 shows Jh9h a straight flush, King high .
Stevchy shows AhAs a straight Ten to Ace.
jeton2631 wins 28,819 chips from the main pot with a straight flush, King high .
Re-buy: Stevchy re-buys 3,000 chips and the chip stack increases from 0 chips to 3,000 chips .

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