thundza   United States. Apr 07 2007 17:46. Posts 2001
sick read...
pausing stinger video to google ninja porn - myth
DooMeR   United States. Apr 07 2007 18:10. Posts 8559
pirate peaty at 100NL eh? wtf :| thats wierd cuz imo he was super good lag at 200NL for a while. he gave me more trouble than anyoner else. he took biggest pot ive ever lost off me
also gave me biggest pot i've ever won he dont fuck wit me cuz i mix it up with him
I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance, by running away from the scene of an accident.
thundza   United States. Apr 07 2007 18:23. Posts 2001
Yeah, I read him as lag, so I c/c instead of c/push.