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Show hand : 173388

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Handnr: 173388
Submitted by : Stevchy

***** Hand History for Game 5868512188 *****
$ 10 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Thursday, April 12, 16:46:15 ET 2007
Table Table 131190 (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 3: pyyttoni ( $ 29.92 USD )
Seat 4: kissamos ( $ 0.88 USD )
Seat 6: Unforgiven_v ( $ 10.30 USD )
Seat 9: Bloom33333 ( $ 7.94 USD )
Seat 10: Stevchy ( $ 16.10 USD )
Seat 5: Cohen1982 ( $ 1.35 USD )
Seat 2: TurboJuenger ( $ 1.75 USD )
Seat 7: Gambl3Chris ( $ 9.85 USD )
Seat 8: FloKing1 ( $ 2.30 USD )
Seat 1: shuu123 ( $ 3.50 USD )
pyyttoni posts small blind [$ 0.05 USD].
Cohen1982 posts big blind [$ 0.10 USD].

Dealt to Stevchy AhAc
kissamos has left the table.
Unforgiven_v raises [$ 0.40 USD]
Gambl3Chris folds
FloKing1 folds
Bloom33333 raises [$ 0.70 USD]
Stevchy raises [$ 1.40 USD]
shuu123 folds
TurboJuenger folds
pyyttoni folds
Cohen1982 folds
Unforgiven_v calls [$ 1 USD]
Bloom33333 calls [$ 0.70 USD]

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $4.35)

Unforgiven_v bets [$ 2 USD]
Bloom33333 calls [$ 2 USD]
Stevchy is all-In [$ 14.70 USD]
Unforgiven_v is all-In [$ 6.90 USD]
Bloom33333 is all-In [$ 4.54 USD]

Turn(Odds) (Pot : $8.35)


River (Pot : $8.35)

Unforgiven_v shows 2h2c a full house, Twos full of Fives .
Bloom33333 doesn't show AsQd two pairs, Queens and Fives .
Stevchy shows AhAc two pairs, Aces and Fives .
Stevchy wins $ 5.80 USD from side pot #2 with two pairs, Aces and Fives .
Unforgiven_v wins $ 4.47 USD from side pot #1 with a full house, Twos full of Fives .
Unforgiven_v wins $ 22.82 USD from the main pot with a full house, Twos full of Fives .

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Stevchy   Netherlands. Apr 12 2007 14:52. Posts 32

Should have raised stronger preflop?
Nothing wrong with the shove I guess...couldn't put them on a set with a 14x BB preflop raise...

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humPah   Finland. Apr 12 2007 14:54. Posts 1544


Raising preflop more than 10% is somewhat wild. 5% is average. Less than 3% is passive. 


All hands submitted by Stevchy:

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