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Show hand : 175643

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Handnr: 175643
Submitted by : zealot13

Starting game 1404014468.

vilain_sadhu is at seat 0 with 1,000.
MarcovV is at seat 1 with 1,000.
enriko38 is at seat 2 with 1,000.
TheHead75 is at seat 3 with 1,000.
1webber is at seat 4 with 1,000.
jodor is at seat 5 with 1,000.

The dealer is seat 4.

jodor posts a blind of 5.
vilain_sadhu posts a blind of 10.

(MarcovV is dealtQdAd .)

MarcovV raises 25.
enriko38 calls for 35.
TheHead75 folds .
1webber calls for 35.
jodor calls for 30.
vilain_sadhu folds .

Flop (Pot : $150)
jodor checks .
MarcovV bets 150.
enriko38 folds .
1webber calls for 150.
jodor folds .

Turn (Pot : $450)


MarcovV checks .
1webber bets 150.
MarcovV folds .
150 is pushed back to 1webber.

1webber mucks .
1webber wins pot (450).

Starting game 1404028148.

vilain_sadhu is at seat 0 with 990.
MarcovV is at seat 1 with 815.
enriko38 is at seat 2 with 965.
TheHead75 is at seat 3 with 1,000.
1webber is at seat 4 with 1,265.
jodor is at seat 5 with 965.

The dealer is seat 5.

vilain_sadhu posts a blind of 5.
MarcovV posts a blind of 10.

(MarcovV is dealt9cAc .)

enriko38 calls for 10.
TheHead75 folds .
1webber folds .
jodor calls for 10.
vilain_sadhu calls for 5.
MarcovV checks .

Flop (Pot : $190)
vilain_sadhu bets 40.
MarcovV folds .
enriko38 calls for 40.
jodor folds .

Turn (Pot : $570)


vilain_sadhu checks .
enriko38 bets 120.
vilain_sadhu folds .
120 is pushed back to enriko38.

enriko38 mucks .
enriko38 wins pot (120).

Starting game 1404032371.

vilain_sadhu is at seat 0 with 940.
MarcovV is at seat 1 with 805.
enriko38 is at seat 2 with 1,035.
TheHead75 is at seat 3 with 1,000.
1webber is at seat 4 with 1,265.
jodor is at seat 5 with 955.

The dealer is seat 0.

MarcovV posts a blind of 5.
enriko38 posts a blind of 10.

(MarcovV is dealtQs3s .)

TheHead75 calls for 10.
1webber folds .
jodor calls for 10.
vilain_sadhu raises 45.
MarcovV folds .
enriko38 calls for 45.
TheHead75 calls for 45.
jodor calls for 45.

Flop (Pot : $415)
enriko38 checks .
TheHead75 checks .
jodor checks .
vilain_sadhu bets 225.
enriko38 folds .
TheHead75 folds .
jodor folds .
225 is pushed back to vilain_sadhu.

vilain_sadhu mucks .
vilain_sadhu wins pot (225).

Starting game 1404036844.

vilain_sadhu is at seat 0 with 1,110.
MarcovV is at seat 1 with 800.
enriko38 is at seat 2 with 980.
TheHead75 is at seat 3 with 945.
1webber is at seat 4 with 1,265.
jodor is at seat 5 with 900.

The dealer is seat 1.

enriko38 posts a blind of 5.
TheHead75 posts a blind of 10.

(MarcovV is dealt8s2s .)

1webber folds .
jodor folds .
vilain_sadhu raises 25.
MarcovV folds .
enriko38 calls for 30.
TheHead75 calls for 25.

Flop (Pot : $520)
enriko38 bets 10.
TheHead75 folds .
vilain_sadhu raises 125.
enriko38 folds .
125 is pushed back to vilain_sadhu.

vilain_sadhu mucks .
vilain_sadhu wins pot (125).

Starting game 1404039705.

vilain_sadhu is at seat 0 with 1,190.
MarcovV is at seat 1 with 800.
enriko38 is at seat 2 with 935.
TheHead75 is at seat 3 with 910.
1webber is at seat 4 with 1,265.
jodor is at seat 5 with 900.

The dealer is seat 2.

TheHead75 posts a blind of 5.
1webber posts a blind of 10.

(MarcovV is dealt5cJh .)

jodor folds .
vilain_sadhu calls for 10.
MarcovV folds .
enriko38 calls for 10.
TheHead75 folds .
1webber checks .

Flop (Pot : $555)
1webber checks .
vilain_sadhu checks .
enriko38 bets 35.
1webber folds .
vilain_sadhu folds .
35 is pushed back to enriko38.

enriko38 mucks .
enriko38 wins pot (35).

Starting game 1404042616.

vilain_sadhu is at seat 0 with 1,180.
MarcovV is at seat 1 with 800.
enriko38 is at seat 2 with 960.
TheHead75 is at seat 3 with 905.
1webber is at seat 4 with 1,255.
jodor is at seat 5 with 900.

The dealer is seat 3.

1webber posts a blind of 5.
jodor posts a blind of 10.

(MarcovV is dealt7sKc .)

vilain_sadhu raises 25.
MarcovV folds .
enriko38 calls for 35.
TheHead75 folds .
1webber folds .
jodor goes all-in for 890.
vilain_sadhu folds .
enriko38 folds .
865 is pushed back to jodor.

jodor mucks .
jodor wins pot (110).

Starting game 1404046524.

vilain_sadhu is at seat 0 with 1,145.
MarcovV is at seat 1 with 800.
enriko38 is at seat 2 with 925.
TheHead75 is at seat 3 with 905.
1webber is at seat 4 with 1,250.
jodor is at seat 5 with 975.

The dealer is seat 4.

jodor posts a blind of 5.
vilain_sadhu posts a blind of 10.

(MarcovV is dealtAhTs .)

MarcovV raises 45.
enriko38 folds .
TheHead75 folds .
1webber folds .
jodor calls for 50.
vilain_sadhu folds .

Flop (Pot : $715)
jodor checks .
MarcovV bets 120.
jodor folds .
120 is pushed back to MarcovV .

MarcovV mucks .
MarcovV wins pot (120).

Starting game 1404051478.

vilain_sadhu is at seat 0 with 1,135.
MarcovV is at seat 1 with 865.
enriko38 is at seat 2 with 925.
TheHead75 is at seat 3 with 905.
1webber is at seat 4 with 1,250.
jodor is at seat 5 with 920.

The dealer is seat 5.

vilain_sadhu posts a blind of 5.
MarcovV posts a blind of 10.

(MarcovV is dealt7dJs .)

enriko38 calls for 10.
TheHead75 folds .
1webber calls for 10.
jodor folds .
vilain_sadhu calls for 5.
MarcovV checks .

Flop (Pot : $755)
vilain_sadhu checks .
MarcovV checks .
enriko38 bets 40.
1webber folds .
vilain_sadhu folds .
MarcovV folds .
40 is pushed back to enriko38.

enriko38 mucks .
enriko38 wins pot (40).

Starting game 1404054969.

vilain_sadhu is at seat 0 with 1,125.
MarcovV is at seat 1 with 855.
enriko38 is at seat 2 with 955.
TheHead75 is at seat 3 with 905.
1webber is at seat 4 with 1,240.
jodor is at seat 5 with 920.

The dealer is seat 0.

MarcovV posts a blind of 5.
enriko38 posts a blind of 10.

(MarcovV is dealtKsAh .)

TheHead75 folds .
1webber folds .
jodor calls for 10.
vilain_sadhu calls for 10.
MarcovV raises 40.
enriko38 calls for 40.
jodor calls for 40.
vilain_sadhu folds .

Flop (Pot : $915)
MarcovV bets 160.
enriko38 folds .
jodor folds .
160 is pushed back to MarcovV .

MarcovV mucks .
MarcovV wins pot (160).

Starting game 1404058094.

vilain_sadhu is at seat 0 with 1,115.
MarcovV is at seat 1 with 965.
enriko38 is at seat 2 with 905.
TheHead75 is at seat 3 with 905.
1webber is at seat 4 with 1,240.
jodor is at seat 5 with 870.

The dealer is seat 1.

enriko38 posts a blind of 5.
TheHead75 posts a blind of 10.

(MarcovV is dealtQc7d .)

1webber folds .
jodor calls for 10.
vilain_sadhu raises 35.
MarcovV folds .
enriko38 calls for 40.
TheHead75 calls for 35.
jodor raises 180.
vilain_sadhu folds .
enriko38 folds .
TheHead75 folds .
180 is pushed back to jodor.

jodor mucks .
jodor wins pot (180).

Starting game 1404060760.

vilain_sadhu is at seat 0 with 1,070.
MarcovV is at seat 1 with 965.
enriko38 is at seat 2 with 860.
TheHead75 is at seat 3 with 860.
1webber is at seat 4 with 1,240.
jodor is at seat 5 with 1,005.

The dealer is seat 2.

TheHead75 posts a blind of 5.
1webber posts a blind of 10.

(MarcovV is dealt4cTc .)

jodor folds .
vilain_sadhu raises 25.
MarcovV folds .
enriko38 calls for 35.
TheHead75 folds .
1webber folds .

Flop (Pot : $1045)
vilain_sadhu bets 10.
enriko38 raises 105.
vilain_sadhu calls for 105.

Turn (Pot : $1655)


vilain_sadhu checks .
enriko38 checks .

River (Pot : $1655)


vilain_sadhu bets 150.
enriko38 folds .
150 is pushed back to vilain_sadhu.

vilain_sadhu mucks .
vilain_sadhu wins pot (315).

Starting game 1404066543.

vilain_sadhu is at seat 0 with 1,235.
MarcovV is at seat 1 with 965.
enriko38 is at seat 2 with 710.
TheHead75 is at seat 3 with 855.
1webber is at seat 4 with 1,230.
jodor is at seat 5 with 1,005.

The dealer is seat 3.

1webber posts a blind of 5.
jodor posts a blind of 10.

(MarcovV is dealt6s3d .)

vilain_sadhu raises 25.
MarcovV folds .
enriko38 raises 85.
TheHead75 folds .
1webber folds .
jodor folds .
vilain_sadhu calls for 85.

Flop (Pot : $1300)
vilain_sadhu checks .
enriko38 bets 255.
vilain_sadhu folds .
255 is pushed back to enriko38.

enriko38 mucks .
enriko38 wins pot (255).

Starting game 1404070368.

vilain_sadhu is at seat 0 with 1,115.
MarcovV is at seat 1 with 965.
enriko38 is at seat 2 with 845.
TheHead75 is at seat 3 with 855.
1webber is at seat 4 with 1,225.
jodor is at seat 5 with 995.

The dealer is seat 4.

jodor posts a blind of 5.
vilain_sadhu posts a blind of 10.

(MarcovV is dealt4cAc .)

MarcovV calls for 10.
enriko38 raises 35.
TheHead75 folds .
1webber calls for 45.
jodor folds .
vilain_sadhu raises 35.
MarcovV folds .
enriko38 calls for 35.
1webber calls for 35.

Flop (Pot : $1555)
vilain_sadhu checks .
enriko38 checks .
1webber checks .

Turn (Pot : $2165)


vilain_sadhu checks .
enriko38 checks .
1webber checks .

River (Pot : $2165)


vilain_sadhu checks .
enriko38 bets 255.
1webber folds .
vilain_sadhu calls for 255.


enriko38 shows
Ace high

vilain_sadhu shows
A pair of Queens

vilain_sadhu wins pot (765).

Starting game 1404075281.

vilain_sadhu is at seat 0 with 1,545.
MarcovV is at seat 1 with 955.
enriko38 is at seat 2 with 510.
TheHead75 is at seat 3 with 855.
1webber is at seat 4 with 1,145.
jodor is at seat 5 with 990.

The dealer is seat 5.

vilain_sadhu posts a blind of 10.
MarcovV posts a blind of 20.

(MarcovV is dealtJc3h .)

enriko38 calls for 20.
TheHead75 folds .
1webber folds .
jodor calls for 20.
vilain_sadhu calls for 10.
MarcovV checks .

Flop (Pot : $1635)
vilain_sadhu checks .
MarcovV checks .
enriko38 checks .
jodor bets 80.
vilain_sadhu folds .
MarcovV folds .
enriko38 calls for 80.

Turn (Pot : $2405)


enriko38 checks .
jodor bets 240.
enriko38 folds .
240 is pushed back to jodor.

jodor mucks .
jodor wins pot (240).

Starting game 1404080657.

vilain_sadhu is at seat 0 with 1,525.
MarcovV is at seat 1 with 935.
enriko38 is at seat 2 with 410.
TheHead75 is at seat 3 with 855.
1webber is at seat 4 with 1,145.
jodor is at seat 5 with 1,130.

The dealer is seat 0.

MarcovV posts a blind of 10.
enriko38 posts a blind of 20.

(MarcovV is dealtJc9h .)

TheHead75 folds .
1webber calls for 20.
jodor folds .
vilain_sadhu raises 40.
MarcovV calls for 50.
enriko38 calls for 40.
1webber folds .

Flop (Pot : $1835)
MarcovV checks .
enriko38 bets 20.
vilain_sadhu calls for 20.
MarcovV raises 120.
enriko38 folds .
vilain_sadhu folds .
120 is pushed back to MarcovV .


MarcovV shows
Jack high

MarcovV wins pot (260).

Starting game 1404085505.

vilain_sadhu is at seat 0 with 1,445.
MarcovV is at seat 1 with 1,115.
enriko38 is at seat 2 with 330.
TheHead75 is at seat 3 with 855.
1webber is at seat 4 with 1,125.
jodor is at seat 5 with 1,130.

The dealer is seat 1.

enriko38 posts a blind of 10.
TheHead75 posts a blind of 20.

(MarcovV is dealt2h5h .)

1webber calls for 20.
jodor folds .
vilain_sadhu raises 40.
MarcovV folds .
enriko38 calls for 50.
TheHead75 folds .
1webber calls for 40.

Flop (Pot : $2055)
enriko38 checks .
1webber checks .
vilain_sadhu bets 100.
enriko38 goes all-in for 270.
1webber folds .
vilain_sadhu calls for 170.


enriko38 shows
A pair of Eights

vilain_sadhu shows
A pair of Queens

Turn (Pot : $3195)


River (Pot : $3195)


Two Pair, Aces and Eights

Two Pair, Aces and Queens

vilain_sadhu wins pot (740).

Starting game 1404091775.

vilain_sadhu is at seat 0 with 1,855.
MarcovV is at seat 1 with 1,115.
TheHead75 is at seat 3 with 835.
1webber is at seat 4 with 1,065.
jodor is at seat 5 with 1,130.

The dealer is seat 2.

TheHead75 posts a blind of 10.
1webber posts a blind of 20.

(MarcovV is dealt8cAc .)

jodor calls for 20.
vilain_sadhu calls for 20.
MarcovV calls for 20.
TheHead75 folds .
1webber checks .

Flop (Pot : $2145)
1webber checks .
jodor checks .
vilain_sadhu checks .
MarcovV checks .

Turn (Pot : $3285)


1webber bets 90.
jodor folds .
vilain_sadhu calls for 90.
MarcovV folds .

River (Pot : $3465)


1webber checks .
vilain_sadhu bets 120.
1webber calls for 120.


vilain_sadhu shows
A pair of Threes

1webber shows
Two Pair, Fives and Threes

1webber wins pot (510).

Starting game 1404099076.

vilain_sadhu is at seat 0 with 1,625.
MarcovV is at seat 1 with 1,095.
TheHead75 is at seat 3 with 825.
1webber is at seat 4 with 1,345.
jodor is at seat 5 with 1,110.

The dealer is seat 3.

1webber posts a blind of 10.
jodor posts a blind of 20.

(MarcovV is dealt8cQs .)

vilain_sadhu raises 20.
MarcovV folds .
TheHead75 raises 110.
1webber folds .
jodor calls for 130.
vilain_sadhu calls for 110.

Flop (Pot : $2605)
jodor goes all-in for 960.
vilain_sadhu calls for 960.
TheHead75 goes all-in for 675.


jodor shows
Three Fives

vilain_sadhu shows
Ace high

TheHead75 shows
A pair of Tens

Turn (Pot : $6340)


River (Pot : $6520)


Three Fives

Flush, Ace high

Three Tens

vilain_sadhu wins pot (2,485).
vilain_sadhu wins pot (570).

Starting game 1404103507.

vilain_sadhu is at seat 0 with 3,570.
MarcovV is at seat 1 with 1,095.
1webber is at seat 4 with 1,335.

The dealer is seat 4.

vilain_sadhu posts a blind of 20.

(MarcovV is dealt7h8s .)

MarcovV folds .
1webber calls for 20.
vilain_sadhu checks .

Flop (Pot : $2645)
vilain_sadhu bets 20.
1webber calls for 20.

Turn (Pot : $6420)


vilain_sadhu checks .
1webber checks .

River (Pot : $6600)


vilain_sadhu checks .
1webber checks .


vilain_sadhu shows
Ace high

1webber shows
Straight, Ace high

1webber wins pot (80).

Starting game 1404106594.

vilain_sadhu is at seat 0 with 3,530.
MarcovV is at seat 1 with 1,095.
1webber is at seat 4 with 1,375.

The dealer is seat 5.

vilain_sadhu posts a blind of 10.
MarcovV posts a blind of 20.

(MarcovV is dealt2h4c .)

1webber folds .
vilain_sadhu calls for 10.
MarcovV bets 40.
vilain_sadhu calls for 40.

Flop (Pot : $2725)
vilain_sadhu checks .
MarcovV bets 120.
vilain_sadhu calls for 120.

Turn (Pot : $6740)


vilain_sadhu checks .
MarcovV checks .

River (Pot : $6920)


vilain_sadhu bets 360.
MarcovV calls for 360.


vilain_sadhu shows
A pair of Threes

MarcovV shows
A pair of Fours

MarcovV wins pot (1,080).

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