** Game ID 1371509315 starting - 2007-05-08 13:25:10
** Alpstormhatt [Hold 'em] (1.00|2.00 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money
- _Danijel_ sitting in seat 1 with $67.65
- kuksi_l sitting in seat 2 with $115.68 [Dealer]
- Gud sitting in seat 3 with $130.19
- Dustylove sitting in seat 4 with $198.00
- johnnymarr sitting in seat 5 with $307.55
Gud posted the small blind - $1.00
Dustylove posted the big blind - $2.00
johnnymarr folded
_Danijel_ called - $2.00
kuksi_l raised - $8.00
Gud called - $8.00
Dustylove called - $8.00
_Danijel_ called - $8.00
TalentedTom   Canada. May 08 2007 09:42. Posts 20070
this is fine. turn reraise is bad, you wont get him off his hand
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us and as we let our own lights shine we unconsciously give other people permision to do the same
DustySwedeDude   Sweden. May 08 2007 09:43. Posts 8623
ok, thanks man.
I allways feel warm and fuzzy inside when you comment on my hands.
ggplz   Sweden. May 08 2007 10:11. Posts 16784
On May 08 2007 08:43 DustySwedeDude wrote:
ok, thanks man.
I allways feel warm and fuzzy inside when you comment on my hands.
i get that same feeling
if poker is dangerous to them i would rank sports betting as a Kodiak grizzly bear who smells blood after you just threw a javelin into his cub - RaiNKhAN