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Show hand : 189266

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Handnr: 189266
Submitted by : ther

Hand #42220883-218 at Mon735am50D-009 (No Limit tournament Hold'em)
[Started at 07/May/07 10:53:11
chris004 is at seat 0 with 11425
sittler027 is at seat 2 with 85385
ACE42 is at seat 3 with 50155
csdumbass is at seat 4 with 9900
bamapkrbtch is at seat 5 with 56525
Troligyerek is at seat 6 with 89505
kirkpatrick6 is at seat 7 with 52160
J Dub 1234 is at seat 8 with 191330
Reddog2332 is at seat 9 with 58170
The button is at seat 4

Troligyerek : JsAc

J Dub 1234 folds
Reddog2332 folds
chris004 folds
sittler027 calls
ACE42 calls
csdumbass folds
bamapkrbtch folds
Troligyerek raises to 4500
kirkpatrick6 calls
sittler027 calls
ACE42 calls
Troligyerek bets 1600
kirkpatrick6 calls
sittler027 raises to 4600
ACE42 folds
Troligyerek calls
kirkpatrick6 calls
Troligyerek checks
kirkpatrick6 checks
sittler027 bets 5500
Troligyerek goes all-in for 80255
kirkpatrick6 folds
sittler027 folds
Troligyerek is returned 74755 (uncalled)

No rake is taken for this hand
Troligyerek wins 44150

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