i dont think villain is ever bluffing here and I should have folded the turn, I timebanked and called spew
imo his feeler flop bet was to find out if i had an ace, i think he has 22/ak/99 here
+ i dont like to rr pf with ajo, shouldve folded pf in hindsight
my 2c
I will grind you into dust.
ToT)MidiaN(   United Kingdom. May 20 2007 07:48. Posts 5070
fold preflop or reraise. i don't like playing AJ OOP cause whenever i flop 1 pair i have to go into c/c mode, it's like i'm trying to minimise my losses when i'm behind which is a stupid rationale for calling in the first place.
One day good. One day bad. And some days, even hope