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Show hand : 199041

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Handnr: 199041
Submitted by : VikteR

Dealer: Starting a new hand #959989479
Dealer: VikteRBW posts Small Blind 5
Dealer: schaefer1978 posts Big Blind 10
Dealer: Dealing cards
Dealer: Your cards7d7s
Dealer: GragasI calls 10
Dealer: Ravenlord folds
Dealer: RFor folds
Dealer: chopeton calls 10
Dealer: alexrincon raises 40
Dealer: fasck folds
Dealer: derlady folds
Dealer: vadimarc calls 40
Dealer: VikteRBW goes All-in 485
chopeton: ALL-IN
Dealer: schaefer1978 folds
chopeton: ole
Dealer: GragasI folds
Dealer: chopeton folds
Dealer: alexrincon calls 450
chopeton: olee
Dealer: vadimarc calls 450
Dealer: Dealing Flop7hAhJd
chopeton: oleee
Dealer: alexrincon goes All-in 460
Dealer: vadimarc calls 460
GragasI: nice hand
Dealer: Dealing Turn7hAhJd7c
VikteRBW: i'm on nuts lol!!!
chopeton: oleeee
Dealer: Dealing River7hAhJd7cTh
chopeton: oleeeee
Dealer: VikteRBW shows Four of a kind7d7s
Dealer: alexrincon shows Two Pair8h8s
Dealer: vadimarc shows One Pair3d4s
Dealer: alexrincon wins with Two Pair7h7c8h8sAh 920
Dealer: alexrincon wins with Two Pair7h7c8h8sAh 920
Dealer: VikteRBW wins with Four of a kind7d7h7s7cAh 1,500
Dealer: VikteRBW wins with Four of a kind7d7h7s7cAh 1,500
Dealer: Player alexrincon wins side pot 920
Dealer: Player alexrincon wins side pot 920
Dealer: Player VikteRBW wins the main pot 1,500
Dealer: Player VikteRBW wins the main pot 1,500

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ToT)MidiaN(    United Kingdom. May 24 2007 09:43. Posts 5070

You played bad, like a monkey, but you got it on Flop.

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One day good. One day bad. And some days, even hope 


All hands submitted by VikteR:

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