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Show hand : 2010

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Handnr: 2010
Submitted by : Daut

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seven card stud hi $2-$4 (real money), #1,587,931,438
Table carlsbad, 14 dec 2005 9:29 AM ET

Dealt to me: 8c,Kc,Ac]

seat 1: Man___sauce [xx,xx2s] ($216.35 in chips)
seat 2: dracul777 [xx,xxAhJc] ($143.05 in chips)
seat 3: daut44 [xx,xxAcAs,10c6h,xx] ($199.95 in chips)
seat 5: Bijoutoy [xx,xx5h] ($51.50 in chips)
seat 6: xGunner123x [xx,xx3s] ($465.25 in chips)
seat 7: amadpig [xx,xxQc4h9h] ($71 in chips)
seat 9: MissoulaBorn [xx,xxJh7cKd6d,xx] ($15.80 in chips)

ANTEs/BLINdsMan___sauce posts ante ($0.25), dracul777 posts ante ($0.25), daut44 posts ante ($0.25), Bijoutoy posts ante ($0.25), xGunner123x posts ante ($0.25), amadpig posts ante ($0.25), MissoulaBorn posts ante ($0.25).dEAL(Man___sauce gets xx), (dracul777 gets xx), (daut44 gets xx), (Bijoutoy gets xx), (xGunner123x gets xx), (amadpig gets xx), (MissoulaBorn gets xx), (Man___sauce gets xx), (dracul777 gets xx), (daut44 gets xx), (Bijoutoy gets xx), (xGunner123x gets xx), (amadpig gets xx), (MissoulaBorn gets xx), (Man___sauce gets 2s), (dracul777 gets Ah), (daut44 gets Ac), (Bijoutoy gets 5h), (xGunner123x gets 3s), (amadpig gets Qc), (MissoulaBorn gets Jh), Man___sauce bets $1, dracul777 calls $1, daut44 bets $2, Bijoutoy folds, xGunner123x folds, amadpig calls $2, MissoulaBorn calls $2, Man___sauce folds, dracul777 calls $1.4Th(dracul777 gets Jc), (daut44 gets As), (amadpig gets 4h), (MissoulaBorn gets 7c), daut44 bets $2, amadpig calls $2, MissoulaBorn calls $2, dracul777 folds.5Th(daut44 gets 10c), (amadpig gets 9h), (MissoulaBorn gets Kd), daut44 bets $4, amadpig folds, MissoulaBorn bets $8, daut44 bets $8, MissoulaBorn calls $3.55 and is all-in.6Th(daut44 gets 6h), (MissoulaBorn gets 6d).7Th(daut44 gets xx), (MissoulaBorn gets xx).shOWdOWNdaut44 shows [8cKcAcAs,10c6h7s ]MissoulaBorn shows [KhJdJh7cKd6dQh ]daut44 wins $0.45, MissoulaBorn wins $37.85.

sUMMARYPot: $40.30, (including rake: $2)Man___sauce, loses $1.25dracul777, loses $2.25daut44, bets $16.25, collects $0.45, net -$15.80Bijoutoy, loses $0.25xGunner123x, loses $0.25amadpig, loses $4.25MissoulaBorn, bets $15.80, collects $37.85, net $22.05

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Daut    United States. Dec 14 2005 07:38. Posts 8955

wtf happened to the hand history lol

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NewbSaibot: 18 TIMES THE SPEED OF LIGHT. Because FUCK YOU, Daut 

PoorUser    United States. Dec 14 2005 07:45. Posts 7471

i just thought it was some card game that i didnt understand

Gambler Emeritus 

Twisted    Netherlands. Dec 14 2005 08:18. Posts 10422

This hand generator doesn't understand stud?

BlaCha   Poland. Dec 14 2005 08:20. Posts 197

so it would seem

Not all treasure is silver and gold, mate. 

Daut    United States. Dec 14 2005 08:44. Posts 8955

im sure stud would work if i were playing on pokerstars
but eurobet is trash

NewbSaibot: 18 TIMES THE SPEED OF LIGHT. Because FUCK YOU, Daut 

pooper-scooper   United States. Dec 14 2005 09:09. Posts 1127

MAN.... yeah I was mad confused

Good... Bad... Im the guy with the Gun. 


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