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Show hand : 2016

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Handnr: 2016
Submitted by : KarlaB

***** Hand History for Game 3115538602 *****
7 Card Stud $10 Buy-in + $1 Entry Fee Trny:17830369 Level:2 Stakes (30/60) - Tuesday, November 29, 14:32:10 EDT 2005
Table Table 66831 (Real Money)
Seat 0 is the button
Total number of players : 7
Seat 1: tm3545 ( $765 )
Seat 2: pktrkt05 ( $611 )
Seat 4: zinc31500 ( $775 )
Seat 5: monte8888 ( $1016 )
Seat 6: KarlaBE ( $1273 )
Seat 7: acmsl ( $1279 )
Seat 8: NikoFin ( $681 )
Trny:17830369 Level:2
Stakes (30/60)
tm3545 posts ante [ 5 ].
pktrkt05 posts ante [ 5 ].
zinc31500 posts ante [ 5 ].
monte8888 posts ante [ 5 ].
KarlaBE posts ante [ 5 ].
acmsl posts ante [ 5 ].
NikoFin posts ante [ 5 ].
** Dealing **
Dealt to KarlaBE TsTcTd ]
NikoFin opens.
NikoFin bring-ins [ 10 ].
FOLD tm3545
CALL pktrkt05, 10
FOLD zinc31500
FOLD monte8888
KarlaBE completes [ 30 ].
CALL acmsl, 30
FOLD NikoFin
CALL pktrkt05, 20
** Dealing Fourth street **
Dealt to KarlaBE 6h ]
pktrkt05 opens.
CHECK pktrkt05
BET KarlaBE double, 60
CALL acmsl, 60
CALL pktrkt05, 60
** Dealing Fifth street **
Dealt to KarlaBE 8h ]
pktrkt05 opens.
BET pktrkt05, 60
RAISE KarlaBE , 120
FOLD acmsl
CALL pktrkt05, 60
** Dealing Sixth street **
Dealt to KarlaBE 2d ]
pktrkt05 opens.
CHECK pktrkt05
BET KarlaBE , 60
CALL pktrkt05, 60


Dealt to KarlaBE Ad ]
pktrkt05 opens.
BET pktrkt05, 60
RAISE KarlaBE , 120
RAISE pktrkt05, 120
CALL KarlaBE , 60
pktrkt05 shows AsJd5d5cAh4c5h ] a full house Fives full of aces .
KarlaBE doesn't show TsTcTd6h8h2dAd ] three of a kind, tens.
pktrkt05 wins 1035 chips from the main pot with a full house Fives full of aces .

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