sosoggplz checks
DonAsperup checks
Tai_Otoshi checks
sosoggplz shows a pair of Kings .
DonAsperup doesn't show a pair of Sevens .
Tai_Otoshi doesn't show a pair of Tens .
sosoggplz wins $124 USD from the main pot with a pair of Kings .
Bet turn or river imo. I think I bet turn, but probably fold to a raise. It's obviously scary that both of them called, but I think it's safe to assume one of them has a draw and the other something made, like in this one top pair. Not many of those made hands raise turn, but many of them call so it's pure value play. You also get most value out of flushdraws etc.
Floofy says: my dick is easily bigger than 90% of guys i checked it on the net | Floofy says: i im also doing movements