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Show hand : 226928

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Handnr: 226928
Submitted by : emooo

FullTiltPoker Game #2886548282: Table Unbridled (6 max) - $0.25/$0.50 - No Limit Hold'em - 13:11:41 ET - 2007/07/08
Seat 1: chicho_skruch ($48.50)
Seat 2: BjErHe ($43.25)
Seat 3: FischersFritze ($50)
Seat 4: pokerGuth ($51.20)
Seat 5: huffytexx ($35.60)
Seat 6: Draque ($81.55)
pokerGuth posts the small blind of $0.25
huffytexx posts the big blind of $0.50
The button is in seat #3

Dealt to chicho_skruch KhKs
Draque calls $0.50
chicho_skruch raises to $2.50
BjErHe calls $2.50
pokerGuth folds
huffytexx folds
Draque calls $2

Flop (Pot : $8.25)

Draque bets $2
chicho_skruch has 15 seconds left to act
chicho_skruch raises to $9
BjErHe folds
Draque raises to $16
chicho_skruch has 15 seconds left to act
chicho_skruch folds
Uncalled bet of $7 returned to Draque
Draque shows AsAd three of a kind, Aces
Draque wins the pot ($24.95)

Total pot $26.25 | Rake $1.30
Board:  Ah4cQh
Seat 1: chicho_skruch folded on the Flop
Seat 2: BjErHe folded on the Flop
Seat 3: FischersFritze (button) is sitting out
Seat 4: pokerGuth (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: huffytexx (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Draque collected ($24.95)

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sTrAtO   Mexico. Jul 08 2007 11:15. Posts 5882

dont show your hand ;/

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-Karla:Mira, tu película! -Yo: cuál? -Karla: Big Fish! jaja 

sTrAtO   Mexico. Jul 08 2007 11:16. Posts 5882

ah nvm, missread the hand, thought you had AA doh me

-Karla:Mira, tu película! -Yo: cuál? -Karla: Big Fish! jaja 

CrownRoyal   United States. Jul 08 2007 11:16. Posts 11385

why not just cbet?


CrownRoyal   United States. Jul 08 2007 11:17. Posts 11385

err wtf I read the hand wrong too


Loco   Canada. Jul 08 2007 11:17. Posts 20967

don't raise flop

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount 


All hands submitted by emooo:

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