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Show hand : 22850

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Handnr: 22850
Submitted by : pjbirriel

***** Hand History for Game 3961860224 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22041228) - Wed Apr 12 22:53:54 EDT 2006
Table $500 Freeroll(659391) Table 40 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 9
Seat 1: itsjustme66 (700)
Seat 2: miller19721 (5432)
Seat 4: VinnyTheHack (5318)
Seat 5: paulojk (4235)
Seat 6: BUZTED (28901)
Seat 7: gillinn (690)
Seat 8: MILAN2222 (10684)
Seat 9: nomercy2k06 (11879)
Seat 10: IMchunky (450)
VinnyTheHack posts big blind (600)

Dealt to paulojk QsQh
paulojk raises (1200) to 1200
BUZTED folds.
gillinn folds.
MILAN2222 folds.
nomercy2k06 calls (1200)
IMchunky folds.
itsjustme66 folds.
miller19721 folds.
VinnyTheHack calls (600)
** Dealing Flop ** : [Ad,2c,Kc ]
VinnyTheHack checks.
paulojk checks.
nomercy2k06 bets (600)
VinnyTheHack folds.
paulojk calls (600)
** Dealing Turn ** : [8d ]
paulojk checks.
nomercy2k06 checks.
** Dealing River ** : [Jh ]
paulojk checks.
nomercy2k06 checks.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 4800
Board: [Ad2cKc8dJh ]

itsjustme66 balance 700, didn't bet (folded)
miller19721 balance 5432, didn't bet (folded)
VinnyTheHack balance 4118, lost 1200 (folded)
paulojk balance 2435, lost 1800 QsQh [ a pair of queens --AdKcQsQhJh ]
BUZTED balance 28901, didn't bet (folded)
gillinn balance 690, didn't bet (folded)
MILAN2222 balance 10684, didn't bet (folded)
nomercy2k06 balance 14879, bet 1800, collected 4800, net +3000 5sAh [ a pair of aces --AhAdKcJh8d ]
IMchunky balance 450, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3961868914 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22041228) - Wed Apr 12 22:54:52 EDT 2006
Table $500 Freeroll(659391) Table 40 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 9
Seat 1: itsjustme66 (700)
Seat 2: miller19721 (5432)
Seat 4: VinnyTheHack (4118)
Seat 5: paulojk (2435)
Seat 6: BUZTED (28901)
Seat 7: gillinn (690)
Seat 8: MILAN2222 (10684)
Seat 9: nomercy2k06 (14879)
Seat 10: IMchunky (450)
paulojk posts small blind (300)
BUZTED posts big blind (600)

Dealt to paulojk JcJh
gillinn folds.
MILAN2222 folds.
nomercy2k06 folds.
IMchunky folds.
itsjustme66 folds.
miller19721 calls (600)
VinnyTheHack folds.
paulojk calls (300)
BUZTED checks.
** Dealing Flop ** : [3s,6c,As ]
paulojk checks.
BUZTED bets (600)
miller19721 raises (1200) to 1200
paulojk folds.
BUZTED folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 3600
Board: [3s6cAs ]

itsjustme66 balance 700, didn't bet (folded)
miller19721 balance 7232, bet 1800, collected 3600, net +1800
HeyCheech balance 1470, sits out
VinnyTheHack balance 4118, didn't bet (folded)
paulojk balance 1835, lost 600 (folded)
BUZTED balance 27701, lost 1200 (folded)
gillinn balance 690, didn't bet (folded)
MILAN2222 balance 10684, didn't bet (folded)
nomercy2k06 balance 14879, didn't bet (folded)
IMchunky balance 450, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3961826865 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 22:55:11 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (3450)
Seat 2: nvrfails (3560)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (3390)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (3390)
Seat 5: LLaarree (2960)
Seat 6: bato666 (3490)
Seat 7: paulojk (8655)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (3380)
Seat 9: crickoo (31975)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (3540)
paulojk posts small blind (100)
SWE_JIM posts big blind (200)

Dealt to paulojk Jc6s
crickoo raises (400) to 400
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
paulojk folds.
SWE_JIM folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 700

Hempo44 balance 3450, didn't bet (folded)
nvrfails balance 3560, didn't bet (folded)
wiwwiw balance 3390, didn't bet (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 3390, didn't bet (folded)
LLaarree balance 2960, didn't bet (folded)
bato666 balance 3490, didn't bet (folded)
paulojk balance 8555, lost 100 (folded)
SWE_JIM balance 3180, lost 200 (folded)
crickoo balance 32275, bet 400, collected 700, net +300
HokieJJ balance 3540, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3961873627 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 22:55:22 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (3450)
Seat 2: nvrfails (3560)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (3390)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (3390)
Seat 5: LLaarree (2960)
Seat 6: bato666 (3490)
Seat 7: paulojk (8555)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (3180)
Seat 9: crickoo (32275)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (3540)
SWE_JIM posts small blind (100)
crickoo posts big blind (200)

Dealt to paulojk As2c
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
paulojk: let some for me
paulojk calls (200)
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo: ok
crickoo checks.
** Dealing Flop ** : [Th,8h,Td ]
crickoo checks.
paulojk checks.
** Dealing Turn ** : [3s ]
crickoo checks.
paulojk checks.
** Dealing River ** : [4s ]
crickoo checks.
paulojk checks.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 500
Board: [Th8hTd3s4s ]

Hempo44 balance 3450, didn't bet (folded)
nvrfails balance 3560, didn't bet (folded)
wiwwiw balance 3390, didn't bet (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 3390, didn't bet (folded)
LLaarree balance 2960, didn't bet (folded)
bato666 balance 3490, didn't bet (folded)
paulojk balance 8355, lost 200 As2c [ a pair of tens --AsThTd8h4s ]

SWE_JIM balance 3080, lost 100 (folded)
crickoo balance 32575, bet 200, collected 500, net +300 Qs4c [ two pairs, tens and fours --QsThTd4c4s ]
HokieJJ balance 3540, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3961878186 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 22:55:50 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 8 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (3450)
Seat 2: nvrfails (3560)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (3390)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (3390)
Seat 5: LLaarree (2960)
Seat 6: bato666 (3490)
Seat 7: paulojk (8355)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (3080)
Seat 9: crickoo (32575)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (3540)
crickoo posts small blind (100)
HokieJJ posts big blind (200)

Dealt to paulojk 3sTc
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
paulojk folds.
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo: ok paul
crickoo raises (300) to 400
HokieJJ folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 600

Hempo44 balance 3450, didn't bet (folded)
nvrfails balance 3560, didn't bet (folded)
wiwwiw balance 3390, didn't bet (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 3390, didn't bet (folded)
LLaarree balance 2960, didn't bet (folded)
bato666 balance 3490, didn't bet (folded)
paulojk balance 8355, didn't bet (folded)
SWE_JIM balance 3080, didn't bet (folded)
crickoo balance 32775, bet 400, collected 600, net +200
HokieJJ balance 3340, lost 200 (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3961880316 *****
paulojk: thx
crickoo: we do like this
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 22:56:03 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (3450)
Seat 2: nvrfails (3560)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (3390)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (3390)
Seat 5: LLaarree (2960)
Seat 6: bato666 (3490)
Seat 7: paulojk (8355)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (3080)
Seat 9: crickoo (32775)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (3340)
HokieJJ posts small blind (100)
Hempo44 posts big blind (200)

Dealt to paulojk 5dQc
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
paulojk calls (200)
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo raises (400) to 400
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
paulojk calls (200)
** Dealing Flop ** : [4s,7d,2h ]
paulojk checks.
crickoo bets (200)
paulojk folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 1300
Board: [4s7d2h ]

Hempo44 balance 3250, lost 200 (folded)
nvrfails balance 3560, didn't bet (folded)
wiwwiw balance 3390, didn't bet (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 3390, didn't bet (folded)
LLaarree balance 2960, didn't bet (folded)
bato666 balance 3490, didn't bet (folded)
paulojk balance 7955, lost 400 (folded)
SWE_JIM balance 3080, didn't bet (folded)
crickoo balance 33475, bet 600, collected 1300, net +700
HokieJJ balance 3240, lost 100 (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3961884900 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 22:56:32 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 10 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (3250)
Seat 2: nvrfails (3560)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (3390)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (3390)
Seat 5: LLaarree (2960)
Seat 6: bato666 (3490)
Seat 7: paulojk (7955)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (3080)
Seat 9: crickoo (33475)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (3240)
Hempo44 posts small blind (100)
nvrfails posts big blind (200)

Dealt to paulojk QsAh
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
paulojk raises (400) to 400
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo folds.
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 700

Hempo44 balance 3150, lost 100 (folded)
nvrfails balance 3360, lost 200 (folded)
wiwwiw balance 3390, didn't bet (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 3390, didn't bet (folded)
LLaarree balance 2960, didn't bet (folded)
bato666 balance 3490, didn't bet (folded)
paulojk balance 8255, bet 400, collected 700, net +300
SWE_JIM balance 3080, didn't bet (folded)
crickoo balance 33475, didn't bet (folded)
HokieJJ balance 3240, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3961886507 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 22:56:42 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (3150)
Seat 2: nvrfails (3360)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (3390)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (3390)
Seat 5: LLaarree (2960)
Seat 6: bato666 (3490)
Seat 7: paulojk (8255)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (3080)
Seat 9: crickoo (33475)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (3240)
nvrfails posts small blind (100)
wiwwiw posts big blind (200)

Dealt to paulojk 6h7s
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
paulojk folds.
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo raises (400) to 400
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 700

Hempo44 balance 3150, didn't bet (folded)
nvrfails balance 3260, lost 100 (folded)
wiwwiw balance 3190, lost 200 (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 3390, didn't bet (folded)
LLaarree balance 2960, didn't bet (folded)
bato666 balance 3490, didn't bet (folded)
paulojk balance 8255, didn't bet (folded)
SWE_JIM balance 3080, didn't bet (folded)
crickoo balance 33775, bet 400, collected 700, net +300
HokieJJ balance 3240, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3961888017 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 22:56:52 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (3150)
Seat 2: nvrfails (3260)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (3190)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (3390)
Seat 5: LLaarree (2960)
Seat 6: bato666 (3490)
Seat 7: paulojk (8255)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (3080)
Seat 9: crickoo (33775)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (3240)
wiwwiw posts small blind (100)
QuasiGuru posts big blind (200)

Dealt to paulojk 6s2d
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
paulojk folds.
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo raises (400) to 400
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 700

Hempo44 balance 3150, didn't bet (folded)
nvrfails balance 3260, didn't bet (folded)
wiwwiw balance 3090, lost 100 (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 3190, lost 200 (folded)
LLaarree balance 2960, didn't bet (folded)
bato666 balance 3490, didn't bet (folded)
paulojk balance 8255, didn't bet (folded)
SWE_JIM balance 3080, didn't bet (folded)
crickoo balance 34075, bet 400, collected 700, net +300
HokieJJ balance 3240, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3961889536 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 22:57:01 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (3150)
Seat 2: nvrfails (3260)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (3090)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (3190)
Seat 5: LLaarree (2960)
Seat 6: bato666 (3490)
Seat 7: paulojk (8255)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (3080)
Seat 9: crickoo (34075)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (3240)
QuasiGuru posts small blind (100)
LLaarree posts big blind (200)

Dealt to paulojk QsTs
bato666 folds.
paulojk calls (200)
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo folds.
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 500

Hempo44 balance 3150, didn't bet (folded)
nvrfails balance 3260, didn't bet (folded)
wiwwiw balance 3090, didn't bet (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 3090, lost 100 (folded)
LLaarree balance 2760, lost 200 (folded)
bato666 balance 3490, didn't bet (folded)
paulojk balance 8555, bet 200, collected 500, net +300
SWE_JIM balance 3080, didn't bet (folded)
crickoo balance 34075, didn't bet (folded)
HokieJJ balance 3240, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3961891082 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 22:57:11 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (3150)
Seat 2: nvrfails (3260)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (3090)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (3090)
Seat 5: LLaarree (2760)
Seat 6: bato666 (3490)
Seat 7: paulojk (8555)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (3080)
Seat 9: crickoo (34075)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (3240)
LLaarree posts small blind (100)
bato666 posts big blind (200)

Dealt to paulojk QhTc
paulojk calls (200)
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo folds.
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 500

Hempo44 balance 3150, didn't bet (folded)
nvrfails balance 3260, didn't bet (folded)
wiwwiw balance 3090, didn't bet (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 3090, didn't bet (folded)
LLaarree balance 2660, lost 100 (folded)
bato666 balance 3290, lost 200 (folded)
paulojk balance 8855, bet 200, collected 500, net +300
SWE_JIM balance 3080, didn't bet (folded)
crickoo balance 34075, didn't bet (folded)
HokieJJ balance 3240, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3961893288 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 22:57:25 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (3150)
Seat 2: nvrfails (3260)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (3090)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (3090)
Seat 5: LLaarree (2660)
Seat 6: bato666 (3290)
Seat 7: paulojk (8855)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (3080)
Seat 9: crickoo (34075)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (3240)
bato666 posts small blind (100)
paulojk posts big blind (200)

Dealt to paulojk KdKs
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo folds.
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 300

Hempo44 balance 3150, didn't bet (folded)
nvrfails balance 3260, didn't bet (folded)
wiwwiw balance 3090, didn't bet (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 3090, didn't bet (folded)
LLaarree balance 2660, didn't bet (folded)
bato666 balance 3190, lost 100 (folded)
paulojk balance 8955, bet 200, collected 300, net +100
SWE_JIM balance 3080, didn't bet (folded)
crickoo balance 34075, didn't bet (folded)
HokieJJ balance 3240, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3961895025 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 22:57:34 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (3150)
Seat 2: nvrfails (3260)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (3090)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (3090)
Seat 5: LLaarree (2660)
Seat 6: bato666 (3190)
Seat 7: paulojk (8955)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (3080)
Seat 9: crickoo (34075)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (3240)
paulojk posts small blind (100)
SWE_JIM posts big blind (200)

Dealt to paulojk 4c4h
crickoo folds.
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
paulojk calls (100)
SWE_JIM folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 400

Hempo44 balance 3150, didn't bet (folded)
nvrfails balance 3260, didn't bet (folded)
wiwwiw balance 3090, didn't bet (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 3090, didn't bet (folded)
LLaarree balance 2660, didn't bet (folded)
bato666 balance 3190, didn't bet (folded)
paulojk balance 9155, bet 200, collected 400, net +200
SWE_JIM balance 2880, lost 200 (folded)
crickoo balance 34075, didn't bet (folded)
HokieJJ balance 3240, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3961897144 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 22:57:48 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (3150)
Seat 2: nvrfails (3260)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (3090)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (3090)
Seat 5: LLaarree (2660)
Seat 6: bato666 (3190)
Seat 7: paulojk (9155)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (2880)
Seat 9: crickoo (34075)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (3240)
SWE_JIM posts small blind (100)
crickoo posts big blind (200)

Dealt to paulojk 6hAs
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
paulojk calls (200)
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo checks.
** Dealing Flop ** : [8s,Tc,9d ]
crickoo bets (200)
paulojk folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 700
Board: [8sTc9d ]

Hempo44 balance 3150, didn't bet (folded)
nvrfails balance 3260, didn't bet (folded)
wiwwiw balance 3090, didn't bet (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 3090, didn't bet (folded)
LLaarree balance 2660, didn't bet (folded)
bato666 balance 3190, didn't bet (folded)
paulojk balance 8955, lost 200 (folded)
SWE_JIM balance 2780, lost 100 (folded)
crickoo balance 34375, bet 400, collected 700, net +300
HokieJJ balance 3240, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3961899779 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 22:58:05 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 8 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (3150)
Seat 2: nvrfails (3260)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (3090)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (3090)
Seat 5: LLaarree (2660)
Seat 6: bato666 (3190)
Seat 7: paulojk (8955)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (2780)
Seat 9: crickoo (34375)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (3240)
crickoo posts small blind (100)
HokieJJ posts big blind (200)

Dealt to paulojk Tc5h
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
paulojk folds.
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo raises (300) to 400
HokieJJ folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 600

Hempo44 balance 3150, didn't bet (folded)
nvrfails balance 3260, didn't bet (folded)
wiwwiw balance 3090, didn't bet (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 3090, didn't bet (folded)
LLaarree balance 2660, didn't bet (folded)
bato666 balance 3190, didn't bet (folded)
paulojk balance 8955, didn't bet (folded)
SWE_JIM balance 2780, didn't bet (folded)
crickoo balance 34575, bet 400, collected 600, net +200
HokieJJ balance 3040, lost 200 (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3961901144 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 22:58:14 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (3150)
Seat 2: nvrfails (3260)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (3090)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (3090)
Seat 5: LLaarree (2660)
Seat 6: bato666 (3190)
Seat 7: paulojk (8955)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (2780)
Seat 9: crickoo (34575)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (3040)
HokieJJ posts small blind (100)
Hempo44 posts big blind (200)

Dealt to paulojk TcQh
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
paulojk raises (400) to 400
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo folds.
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 700

Hempo44 balance 2950, lost 200 (folded)
nvrfails balance 3260, didn't bet (folded)
wiwwiw balance 3090, didn't bet (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 3090, didn't bet (folded)
LLaarree balance 2660, didn't bet (folded)
bato666 balance 3190, didn't bet (folded)
paulojk balance 9255, bet 400, collected 700, net +300
SWE_JIM balance 2780, didn't bet (folded)
crickoo balance 34575, didn't bet (folded)
HokieJJ balance 2940, lost 100 (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3961903000 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 22:58:26 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 10 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (2950)
Seat 2: nvrfails (3260)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (3090)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (3090)
Seat 5: LLaarree (2660)
Seat 6: bato666 (3190)
Seat 7: paulojk (9255)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (2780)
Seat 9: crickoo (34575)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (2940)
Hempo44 posts small blind (100)
nvrfails posts big blind (200)

Dealt to paulojk 3sAs
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
paulojk raises (400) to 400
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo folds.
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 700

Hempo44 balance 2850, lost 100 (folded)
nvrfails balance 3060, lost 200 (folded)
wiwwiw balance 3090, didn't bet (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 3090, didn't bet (folded)
LLaarree balance 2660, didn't bet (folded)
bato666 balance 3190, didn't bet (folded)
paulojk balance 9555, bet 400, collected 700, net +300
SWE_JIM balance 2780, didn't bet (folded)
crickoo balance 34575, didn't bet (folded)
HokieJJ balance 2940, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3961904417 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 22:58:36 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (2850)
Seat 2: nvrfails (3060)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (3090)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (3090)
Seat 5: LLaarree (2660)
Seat 6: bato666 (3190)
Seat 7: paulojk (9555)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (2780)
Seat 9: crickoo (34575)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (2940)
nvrfails posts small blind (100)
wiwwiw posts big blind (200)

Dealt to paulojk KdTs
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
paulojk raises (400) to 400
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo folds.
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 700

Hempo44 balance 2850, didn't bet (folded)
nvrfails balance 2960, lost 100 (folded)
wiwwiw balance 2890, lost 200 (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 3090, didn't bet (folded)
LLaarree balance 2660, didn't bet (folded)
bato666 balance 3190, didn't bet (folded)
paulojk balance 9855, bet 400, collected 700, net +300
SWE_JIM balance 2780, didn't bet (folded)
crickoo balance 34575, didn't bet (folded)
HokieJJ balance 2940, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3961905894 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 22:58:46 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (2850)
Seat 2: nvrfails (2960)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (2890)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (3090)
Seat 5: LLaarree (2660)
Seat 6: bato666 (3190)
Seat 7: paulojk (9855)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (2780)
Seat 9: crickoo (34575)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (2940)
wiwwiw posts small blind (100)
QuasiGuru posts big blind (200)

Dealt to paulojk 6c5d
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
paulojk folds.
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo raises (400) to 400
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 700

Hempo44 balance 2850, didn't bet (folded)
nvrfails balance 2960, didn't bet (folded)
wiwwiw balance 2790, lost 100 (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 2890, lost 200 (folded)
LLaarree balance 2660, didn't bet (folded)
bato666 balance 3190, didn't bet (folded)
paulojk balance 9855, didn't bet (folded)
SWE_JIM balance 2780, didn't bet (folded)
crickoo balance 34875, bet 400, collected 700, net +300
HokieJJ balance 2940, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3961907348 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 22:58:55 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (2850)
Seat 2: nvrfails (2960)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (2790)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (2890)
Seat 5: LLaarree (2660)
Seat 6: bato666 (3190)
Seat 7: paulojk (9855)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (2780)
Seat 9: crickoo (34875)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (2940)
QuasiGuru posts small blind (100)
LLaarree posts big blind (200)

Dealt to paulojk 6hJc
bato666 folds.
paulojk folds.
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo raises (400) to 400
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 700

Hempo44 balance 2850, didn't bet (folded)
nvrfails balance 2960, didn't bet (folded)
wiwwiw balance 2790, didn't bet (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 2790, lost 100 (folded)
LLaarree balance 2460, lost 200 (folded)
bato666 balance 3190, didn't bet (folded)
paulojk balance 9855, didn't bet (folded)
SWE_JIM balance 2780, didn't bet (folded)
crickoo balance 35175, bet 400, collected 700, net +300
HokieJJ balance 2940, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3961908734 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 22:59:04 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (2850)
Seat 2: nvrfails (2960)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (2790)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (2790)
Seat 5: LLaarree (2460)
Seat 6: bato666 (3190)
Seat 7: paulojk (9855)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (2780)
Seat 9: crickoo (35175)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (2940)
LLaarree posts small blind (100)
bato666 posts big blind (200)

Dealt to paulojk 7s3h
paulojk folds.
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo raises (400) to 400
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 700

Hempo44 balance 2850, didn't bet (folded)
nvrfails balance 2960, didn't bet (folded)
wiwwiw balance 2790, didn't bet (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 2790, didn't bet (folded)
LLaarree balance 2360, lost 100 (folded)
bato666 balance 2990, lost 200 (folded)
paulojk balance 9855, didn't bet (folded)
SWE_JIM balance 2780, didn't bet (folded)
crickoo balance 35475, bet 400, collected 700, net +300
HokieJJ balance 2940, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3961910208 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 22:59:14 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (2850)
Seat 2: nvrfails (2960)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (2790)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (2790)
Seat 5: LLaarree (2360)
Seat 6: bato666 (2990)
Seat 7: paulojk (9855)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (2780)
Seat 9: crickoo (35475)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (2940)
bato666 posts small blind (100)
paulojk posts big blind (200)

Dealt to paulojk 5cAh
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo raises (400) to 400
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
paulojk calls (200)
** Dealing Flop ** : [Ks,7h,2s ]
paulojk checks.
crickoo bets (200)
paulojk folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 1100
Board: [Ks7h2s ]

Hempo44 balance 2850, didn't bet (folded)
nvrfails balance 2960, didn't bet (folded)
wiwwiw balance 2790, didn't bet (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 2790, didn't bet (folded)
LLaarree balance 2360, didn't bet (folded)
bato666 balance 2890, lost 100 (folded)
paulojk balance 9455, lost 400 (folded)
SWE_JIM balance 2780, didn't bet (folded)
crickoo balance 35975, bet 600, collected 1100, net +500
HokieJJ balance 2940, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3961912833 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 22:59:30 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (2850)
Seat 2: nvrfails (2960)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (2790)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (2790)
Seat 5: LLaarree (2360)
Seat 6: bato666 (2890)
Seat 7: paulojk (9455)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (2780)
Seat 9: crickoo (35975)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (2940)
paulojk posts small blind (100)
SWE_JIM posts big blind (200)

Dealt to paulojk 4c2c
crickoo folds.
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
paulojk folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 300

Hempo44 balance 2850, didn't bet (folded)
nvrfails balance 2960, didn't bet (folded)
wiwwiw balance 2790, didn't bet (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 2790, didn't bet (folded)
LLaarree balance 2360, didn't bet (folded)
bato666 balance 2890, didn't bet (folded)
paulojk balance 9355, lost 100 (folded)
SWE_JIM balance 2880, bet 200, collected 300, net +100
crickoo balance 35975, didn't bet (folded)
HokieJJ balance 2940, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3961914121 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 22:59:38 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (2850)
Seat 2: nvrfails (2960)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (2790)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (2790)
Seat 5: LLaarree (2360)
Seat 6: bato666 (2890)
Seat 7: paulojk (9355)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (2880)
Seat 9: crickoo (35975)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (2940)
SWE_JIM posts small blind (100)
crickoo posts big blind (200)

Dealt to paulojk Jh8c
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
paulojk calls (200)
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo checks.
** Dealing Flop ** : [5h,4h,Js ]
crickoo bets (200)
paulojk raises (400) to 400
crickoo calls (200)
** Dealing Turn ** : [3s ]
crickoo checks.
paulojk checks.
** Dealing River ** : [Ts ]
crickoo bets (300)
paulojk calls (300)
** Summary **
Main Pot: 1900
Board: [5h4hJs3sTs ]

Hempo44 balance 2850, didn't bet (folded)
nvrfails balance 2960, didn't bet (folded)
wiwwiw balance 2790, didn't bet (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 2790, didn't bet (folded)
LLaarree balance 2360, didn't bet (folded)
bato666 balance 2890, didn't bet (folded)
paulojk balance 8455, lost 900 Jh8c [ a pair of jacks --JhJsTs8c5h ]

SWE_JIM balance 2780, lost 100 (folded)
crickoo balance 36975, bet 900, collected 1900, net +1000 Jd3h [ two pairs, jacks and threes --JdJsTs3h3s ]
HokieJJ balance 2940, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3961918574 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 23:00:06 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 8 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (2850)
Seat 2: nvrfails (2960)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (2790)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (2790)
Seat 5: LLaarree (2360)
Seat 6: bato666 (2890)
Seat 7: paulojk (8455)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (2780)
Seat 9: crickoo (36975)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (2940)
crickoo posts small blind (100)
HokieJJ posts big blind (200)

Dealt to paulojk Ks8s
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
paulojk raises (400) to 400
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo folds.
HokieJJ folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 700

Hempo44 balance 2850, didn't bet (folded)
nvrfails balance 2960, didn't bet (folded)
wiwwiw balance 2790, didn't bet (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 2790, didn't bet (folded)
LLaarree balance 2360, didn't bet (folded)
bato666 balance 2890, didn't bet (folded)
paulojk balance 8755, bet 400, collected 700, net +300
SWE_JIM balance 2780, didn't bet (folded)
crickoo balance 36875, lost 100 (folded)
HokieJJ balance 2740, lost 200 (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3961873059 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22041228) - Wed Apr 12 23:00:06 EDT 2006
Table $500 Freeroll(659391) Table 40 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: itsjustme66 (700)
Seat 2: miller19721 (7232)
Seat 3: HeyCheech (1470)
Seat 4: VinnyTheHack (4118)
Seat 5: paulojk (1835)
Seat 6: BUZTED (27701)
Seat 7: gillinn (690)
Seat 8: MILAN2222 (10684)
Seat 9: nomercy2k06 (14879)
Seat 10: IMchunky (450)
itsjustme66 posts ante (25)
miller19721 posts ante (25)
HeyCheech posts ante (25)
VinnyTheHack posts ante (25)
paulojk posts ante (25)
BUZTED posts ante (25)
gillinn posts ante (25)
MILAN2222 posts ante (25)
nomercy2k06 posts ante (25)
IMchunky posts ante (25)
BUZTED posts small blind (400)
gillinn posts big blind (665)

Dealt to paulojk 6d2d
MILAN2222 folds.
nomercy2k06 calls (800)
IMchunky folds.
itsjustme66 folds.
miller19721 folds.
HeyCheech folds.
VinnyTheHack folds.
paulojk folds.
BUZTED calls (400)
Creating Main Pot with $2245 with gillinn
** Dealing Flop ** : [Ah,As,9c ]
BUZTED checks.
nomercy2k06 checks.
** Dealing Turn ** : [4d ]
BUZTED checks.
nomercy2k06 bets (800)
BUZTED folds.
** Dealing River ** : [3c ]
** Summary **
Main Pot: 2245 | Side Pot 1: 1070
Board: [AhAs9c4d3c ]

itsjustme66 balance 675, lost 25 (folded)
miller19721 balance 7207, lost 25 (folded)
HeyCheech balance 1445, lost 25 (folded)
VinnyTheHack balance 4093, lost 25 (folded)
paulojk balance 1810, lost 25 (folded)
BUZTED balance 26876, lost 825 (folded)
gillinn balance 2245, bet 690, collected 2245, net +1555 KcQd [ a pair of aces with king kicker --AhAsKcQd,9cKc(kicker card) ]
MILAN2222 balance 10659, lost 25 (folded)
nomercy2k06 balance 14324, bet 1625, collected 1070, lost -555 5sQc [ a pair of aces --AhAsQc9c5s ]
IMchunky balance 425, lost 25 (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3961920415 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 23:00:17 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (2850)
Seat 2: nvrfails (2960)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (2790)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (2790)
Seat 5: LLaarree (2360)
Seat 6: bato666 (2890)
Seat 7: paulojk (8755)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (2780)
Seat 9: crickoo (36875)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (2740)
HokieJJ posts small blind (100)
Hempo44 posts big blind (200)

Dealt to paulojk 2d2c
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
paulojk raises (400) to 400
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo folds.
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 700

Hempo44 balance 2650, lost 200 (folded)
nvrfails balance 2960, didn't bet (folded)
wiwwiw balance 2790, didn't bet (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 2790, didn't bet (folded)
LLaarree balance 2360, didn't bet (folded)
bato666 balance 2890, didn't bet (folded)
paulojk balance 9055, bet 400, collected 700, net +300
SWE_JIM balance 2780, didn't bet (folded)
crickoo balance 36875, didn't bet (folded)
HokieJJ balance 2640, lost 100 (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3961922968 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 23:00:33 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 10 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (2650)
Seat 2: nvrfails (2960)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (2790)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (2790)
Seat 5: LLaarree (2360)
Seat 6: bato666 (2890)
Seat 7: paulojk (9055)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (2780)
Seat 9: crickoo (36875)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (2640)
Hempo44 posts small blind (100)
nvrfails posts big blind (200)

Dealt to paulojk 8h5c
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
paulojk folds.
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo raises (400) to 400
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 700

Hempo44 balance 2550, lost 100 (folded)
nvrfails balance 2760, lost 200 (folded)
wiwwiw balance 2790, didn't bet (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 2790, didn't bet (folded)
LLaarree balance 2360, didn't bet (folded)
bato666 balance 2890, didn't bet (folded)
paulojk balance 9055, didn't bet (folded)
SWE_JIM balance 2780, didn't bet (folded)
crickoo balance 37175, bet 400, collected 700, net +300
HokieJJ balance 2640, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3961924753 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 23:00:43 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (2550)
Seat 2: nvrfails (2760)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (2790)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (2790)
Seat 5: LLaarree (2360)
Seat 6: bato666 (2890)
Seat 7: paulojk (9055)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (2780)
Seat 9: crickoo (37175)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (2640)
nvrfails posts small blind (100)
wiwwiw posts big blind (200)

Dealt to paulojk Qs5s
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
paulojk raises (400) to 400
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo raises (600) to 600
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
paulojk calls (200)
** Dealing Flop ** : [8s,4c,3d ]
paulojk checks.
crickoo bets (325)
paulojk folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 1825
Board: [8s4c3d ]

Hempo44 balance 2550, didn't bet (folded)
nvrfails balance 2660, lost 100 (folded)
wiwwiw balance 2590, lost 200 (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 2790, didn't bet (folded)
LLaarree balance 2360, didn't bet (folded)
bato666 balance 2890, didn't bet (folded)
paulojk balance 8455, lost 600 (folded)
SWE_JIM balance 2780, didn't bet (folded)
crickoo balance 38075, bet 925, collected 1825, net +900
HokieJJ balance 2640, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3961927994 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 23:01:03 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (2550)
Seat 2: nvrfails (2660)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (2590)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (2790)
Seat 5: LLaarree (2360)
Seat 6: bato666 (2890)
Seat 7: paulojk (8455)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (2780)
Seat 9: crickoo (38075)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (2640)
wiwwiw posts small blind (100)
QuasiGuru posts big blind (200)

Dealt to paulojk 9d9s
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
paulojk raises (400) to 400
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo folds.
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 700

Hempo44 balance 2550, didn't bet (folded)
nvrfails balance 2660, didn't bet (folded)
wiwwiw balance 2490, lost 100 (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 2590, lost 200 (folded)
LLaarree balance 2360, didn't bet (folded)
bato666 balance 2890, didn't bet (folded)
paulojk balance 8755, bet 400, collected 700, net +300
SWE_JIM balance 2780, didn't bet (folded)
crickoo balance 38075, didn't bet (folded)
HokieJJ balance 2640, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3961929592 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 23:01:12 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (2550)
Seat 2: nvrfails (2660)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (2490)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (2590)
Seat 5: LLaarree (2360)
Seat 6: bato666 (2890)
Seat 7: paulojk (8755)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (2780)
Seat 9: crickoo (38075)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (2640)
QuasiGuru posts small blind (100)
LLaarree posts big blind (200)

Dealt to paulojk 4h9d
bato666 folds.
paulojk folds.
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo raises (400) to 400
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 700

Hempo44 balance 2550, didn't bet (folded)
nvrfails balance 2660, didn't bet (folded)
wiwwiw balance 2490, didn't bet (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 2490, lost 100 (folded)
LLaarree balance 2160, lost 200 (folded)
bato666 balance 2890, didn't bet (folded)
paulojk balance 8755, didn't bet (folded)
SWE_JIM balance 2780, didn't bet (folded)
crickoo balance 38375, bet 400, collected 700, net +300
HokieJJ balance 2640, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3961931132 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 23:01:21 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (2550)
Seat 2: nvrfails (2660)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (2490)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (2490)
Seat 5: LLaarree (2160)
Seat 6: bato666 (2890)
Seat 7: paulojk (8755)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (2780)
Seat 9: crickoo (38375)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (2640)
LLaarree posts small blind (100)
bato666 posts big blind (200)

Dealt to paulojk 2dAs
paulojk calls (200)
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo raises (400) to 400
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
paulojk folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 900

Hempo44 balance 2550, didn't bet (folded)
nvrfails balance 2660, didn't bet (folded)
wiwwiw balance 2490, didn't bet (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 2490, didn't bet (folded)
LLaarree balance 2060, lost 100 (folded)
bato666 balance 2690, lost 200 (folded)
paulojk balance 8555, lost 200 (folded)
SWE_JIM balance 2780, didn't bet (folded)
crickoo balance 38875, bet 400, collected 900, net +500
HokieJJ balance 2640, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3961932323 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22041228) - Wed Apr 12 23:01:28 EDT 2006
Table $500 Freeroll(659391) Table 40 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: itsjustme66 (675)
Seat 2: miller19721 (7207)
Seat 3: HeyCheech (1445)
Seat 4: VinnyTheHack (4093)
Seat 5: paulojk (1810)
Seat 6: BUZTED (26876)
Seat 7: gillinn (2245)
Seat 8: MILAN2222 (10659)
Seat 9: nomercy2k06 (14324)
Seat 10: IMchunky (425)
itsjustme66 posts ante (25)
miller19721 posts ante (25)
HeyCheech posts ante (25)
VinnyTheHack posts ante (25)
paulojk posts ante (25)
BUZTED posts ante (25)
gillinn posts ante (25)
MILAN2222 posts ante (25)
nomercy2k06 posts ante (25)
IMchunky posts ante (25)
gillinn posts small blind (400)
MILAN2222 posts big blind (800)

Dealt to paulojk 7s2h
nomercy2k06 calls (800)
IMchunky folds.
itsjustme66 folds.
miller19721 raises (2735) to 2735
HeyCheech folds.
VinnyTheHack folds.
paulojk folds.
BUZTED folds.
gillinn folds.
MILAN2222 calls (1935)
nomercy2k06 calls (1935)
** Dealing Flop ** : [Tc,8c,Qs ]
MILAN2222 bets (800)
nomercy2k06 calls (800)
miller19721 raises (4447) to 4447
miller19721 is all-In.
MILAN2222 raises (7099) to 7899
MILAN2222 is all-In.
nomercy2k06 folds.
** Dealing Turn ** : [Jc ]
** Dealing River ** : [Js ]
Creating Main Pot with $18549 with miller19721
Creating Side Pot 1 with $3452 with MILAN2222
** Summary **
Main Pot: 18549 | Side Pot 1: 3452
Board: [Tc8cQsJcJs ]

itsjustme66 balance 650, lost 25 (folded)
miller19721 balance 18549, bet 7207, collected 18549, net +11342 KhAh [ a straight, ten to ace --AhKhQsJcTc ]
HeyCheech balance 1420, lost 25 (folded)
VinnyTheHack balance 4068, lost 25 (folded)
paulojk balance 1785, lost 25 (folded)
BUZTED balance 26851, lost 25 (folded)
gillinn balance 1820, lost 425 (folded)
MILAN2222 balance 3452, bet 10659, collected 3452, lost -7207 QhAs [ two pairs, queens and jacks --AsQhQsJcJs ]
nomercy2k06 balance 10764, lost 3560 (folded)
IMchunky balance 400, lost 25 (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3961933323 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 23:01:34 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (2550)
Seat 2: nvrfails (2660)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (2490)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (2490)
Seat 5: LLaarree (2060)
Seat 6: bato666 (2690)
Seat 7: paulojk (8555)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (2780)
Seat 9: crickoo (38875)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (2640)
bato666 posts small blind (100)
paulojk posts big blind (200)

Dealt to paulojk 7d7h
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo folds.
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 300

Hempo44 balance 2550, didn't bet (folded)
nvrfails balance 2660, didn't bet (folded)
wiwwiw balance 2490, didn't bet (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 2490, didn't bet (folded)
LLaarree balance 2060, didn't bet (folded)
bato666 balance 2590, lost 100 (folded)
paulojk balance 8655, bet 200, collected 300, net +100
SWE_JIM balance 2780, didn't bet (folded)
crickoo balance 38875, didn't bet (folded)
HokieJJ balance 2640, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3961935172 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 23:01:45 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (2550)
Seat 2: nvrfails (2660)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (2490)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (2490)
Seat 5: LLaarree (2060)
Seat 6: bato666 (2590)
Seat 7: paulojk (8655)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (2780)
Seat 9: crickoo (38875)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (2640)
paulojk posts small blind (100)
SWE_JIM posts big blind (200)

Dealt to paulojk 5s9h
crickoo raises (400) to 400
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
paulojk folds.
SWE_JIM folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 700

Hempo44 balance 2550, didn't bet (folded)
nvrfails balance 2660, didn't bet (folded)
wiwwiw balance 2490, didn't bet (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 2490, didn't bet (folded)
LLaarree balance 2060, didn't bet (folded)
bato666 balance 2590, didn't bet (folded)
paulojk balance 8555, lost 100 (folded)
SWE_JIM balance 2580, lost 200 (folded)
crickoo balance 39175, bet 400, collected 700, net +300
HokieJJ balance 2640, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3961937082 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 23:01:56 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (2550)
Seat 2: nvrfails (2660)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (2490)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (2490)
Seat 5: LLaarree (2060)
Seat 6: bato666 (2590)
Seat 7: paulojk (8555)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (2580)
Seat 9: crickoo (39175)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (2640)
SWE_JIM posts small blind (100)
crickoo posts big blind (200)

Dealt to paulojk 6h4c
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
paulojk folds.
SWE_JIM folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 300

Hempo44 balance 2550, didn't bet (folded)
nvrfails balance 2660, didn't bet (folded)
wiwwiw balance 2490, didn't bet (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 2490, didn't bet (folded)
LLaarree balance 2060, didn't bet (folded)
bato666 balance 2590, didn't bet (folded)
paulojk balance 8555, didn't bet (folded)
SWE_JIM balance 2480, lost 100 (folded)
crickoo balance 39275, bet 200, collected 300, net +100
HokieJJ balance 2640, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3961938681 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 23:02:05 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 8 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (2550)
Seat 2: nvrfails (2660)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (2490)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (2490)
Seat 5: LLaarree (2060)
Seat 6: bato666 (2590)
Seat 7: paulojk (8555)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (2480)
Seat 9: crickoo (39275)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (2640)
crickoo posts small blind (100)
HokieJJ posts big blind (200)

Dealt to paulojk 5sAs
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
paulojk raises (400) to 400
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo folds.
HokieJJ folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 700

Hempo44 balance 2550, didn't bet (folded)
nvrfails balance 2660, didn't bet (folded)
wiwwiw balance 2490, didn't bet (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 2490, didn't bet (folded)
LLaarree balance 2060, didn't bet (folded)
bato666 balance 2590, didn't bet (folded)
paulojk balance 8855, bet 400, collected 700, net +300
SWE_JIM balance 2480, didn't bet (folded)
crickoo balance 39175, lost 100 (folded)
HokieJJ balance 2440, lost 200 (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3961940400 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 23:02:15 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (2550)
Seat 2: nvrfails (2660)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (2490)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (2490)
Seat 5: LLaarree (2060)
Seat 6: bato666 (2590)
Seat 7: paulojk (8855)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (2480)
Seat 9: crickoo (39175)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (2440)
HokieJJ posts small blind (100)
Hempo44 posts big blind (200)

Dealt to paulojk 6s2c
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
paulojk folds.
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo raises (400) to 400
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 700

Hempo44 balance 2350, lost 200 (folded)
nvrfails balance 2660, didn't bet (folded)
wiwwiw balance 2490, didn't bet (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 2490, didn't bet (folded)
LLaarree balance 2060, didn't bet (folded)
bato666 balance 2590, didn't bet (folded)
paulojk balance 8855, didn't bet (folded)
SWE_JIM balance 2480, didn't bet (folded)
crickoo balance 39475, bet 400, collected 700, net +300
HokieJJ balance 2340, lost 100 (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3961942409 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 23:02:27 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 10 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (2350)
Seat 2: nvrfails (2660)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (2490)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (2490)
Seat 5: LLaarree (2060)
Seat 6: bato666 (2590)
Seat 7: paulojk (8855)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (2480)
Seat 9: crickoo (39475)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (2340)
Hempo44 posts small blind (100)
nvrfails posts big blind (200)

Dealt to paulojk 4c9d
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
paulojk folds.
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo raises (400) to 400
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 700

Hempo44 balance 2250, lost 100 (folded)
nvrfails balance 2460, lost 200 (folded)
wiwwiw balance 2490, didn't bet (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 2490, didn't bet (folded)
LLaarree balance 2060, didn't bet (folded)
bato666 balance 2590, didn't bet (folded)
paulojk balance 8855, didn't bet (folded)
SWE_JIM balance 2480, didn't bet (folded)
crickoo balance 39775, bet 400, collected 700, net +300
HokieJJ balance 2340, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3961942752 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22041228) - Wed Apr 12 23:02:28 EDT 2006
Table $500 Freeroll(659391) Table 40 (Real Money) -- Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: itsjustme66 (650)
Seat 2: miller19721 (18549)
Seat 3: HeyCheech (1420)
Seat 4: VinnyTheHack (4068)
Seat 5: paulojk (1785)
Seat 6: BUZTED (26851)
Seat 7: gillinn (1820)
Seat 8: MILAN2222 (3452)
Seat 9: nomercy2k06 (10764)
Seat 10: IMchunky (400)
itsjustme66 posts ante (25)
miller19721 posts ante (25)
HeyCheech posts ante (25)
VinnyTheHack posts ante (25)
paulojk posts ante (25)
BUZTED posts ante (25)
gillinn posts ante (25)
MILAN2222 posts ante (25)
nomercy2k06 posts ante (25)
IMchunky posts ante (25)
MILAN2222 posts small blind (400)
nomercy2k06 posts big blind (800)

Dealt to paulojk 2cKc
IMchunky folds.
itsjustme66 folds.
miller19721 folds.
HeyCheech folds.
VinnyTheHack folds.
paulojk folds.
BUZTED folds.
gillinn folds.
MILAN2222 folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 1450

itsjustme66 balance 625, lost 25 (folded)
miller19721 balance 18524, lost 25 (folded)
HeyCheech balance 1395, lost 25 (folded)
VinnyTheHack balance 4043, lost 25 (folded)
paulojk balance 1760, lost 25 (folded)
BUZTED balance 26826, lost 25 (folded)
gillinn balance 1795, lost 25 (folded)
MILAN2222 balance 3027, lost 425 (folded)
nomercy2k06 balance 11389, bet 825, collected 1450, net +625
IMchunky balance 375, lost 25 (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3961944283 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 23:02:37 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (2250)
Seat 2: nvrfails (2460)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (2490)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (2490)
Seat 5: LLaarree (2060)
Seat 6: bato666 (2590)
Seat 7: paulojk (8855)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (2480)
Seat 9: crickoo (39775)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (2340)
nvrfails posts small blind (100)
wiwwiw posts big blind (200)

Dealt to paulojk 2h5s
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
paulojk folds.
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo raises (400) to 400
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 700

Hempo44 balance 2250, didn't bet (folded)
nvrfails balance 2360, lost 100 (folded)
wiwwiw balance 2290, lost 200 (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 2490, didn't bet (folded)
LLaarree balance 2060, didn't bet (folded)
bato666 balance 2590, didn't bet (folded)
paulojk balance 8855, didn't bet (folded)
SWE_JIM balance 2480, didn't bet (folded)
crickoo balance 40075, bet 400, collected 700, net +300
HokieJJ balance 2340, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3961946748 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 23:02:51 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (2250)
Seat 2: nvrfails (2360)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (2290)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (2490)
Seat 5: LLaarree (2060)
Seat 6: bato666 (2590)
Seat 7: paulojk (8855)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (2480)
Seat 9: crickoo (40075)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (2340)
wiwwiw posts small blind (100)
QuasiGuru posts big blind (200)

Dealt to paulojk 9s3h
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
paulojk folds.
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo raises (400) to 400
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 700

Hempo44 balance 2250, didn't bet (folded)
nvrfails balance 2360, didn't bet (folded)
wiwwiw balance 2190, lost 100 (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 2290, lost 200 (folded)
LLaarree balance 2060, didn't bet (folded)
bato666 balance 2590, didn't bet (folded)
paulojk balance 8855, didn't bet (folded)
SWE_JIM balance 2480, didn't bet (folded)
crickoo balance 40375, bet 400, collected 700, net +300
HokieJJ balance 2340, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3961946783 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22041228) - Wed Apr 12 23:02:51 EDT 2006
Table $500 Freeroll(659391) Table 40 (Real Money) -- Seat 8 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: itsjustme66 (625)
Seat 2: miller19721 (18524)
Seat 3: HeyCheech (1395)
Seat 4: VinnyTheHack (4043)
Seat 5: paulojk (1760)
Seat 6: BUZTED (26826)
Seat 7: gillinn (1795)
Seat 8: MILAN2222 (3027)
Seat 9: nomercy2k06 (11389)
Seat 10: IMchunky (375)
itsjustme66 posts ante (25)
miller19721 posts ante (25)
HeyCheech posts ante (25)
VinnyTheHack posts ante (25)
paulojk posts ante (25)
BUZTED posts ante (25)
gillinn posts ante (25)
MILAN2222 posts ante (25)
nomercy2k06 posts ante (25)
IMchunky posts ante (25)
nomercy2k06 posts small blind (400)
IMchunky posts big blind (350)

Dealt to paulojk 6sAs
itsjustme66 folds.
miller19721 folds.
HeyCheech folds.
VinnyTheHack folds.
paulojk calls (800)
BUZTED folds.
gillinn folds.
MILAN2222 folds.
nomercy2k06 calls (400)
Creating Main Pot with $1300 with IMchunky
** Dealing Flop ** : [5s,Kd,3h ]
nomercy2k06 checks.
paulojk checks.
** Dealing Turn ** : [4s ]
nomercy2k06 checks.
paulojk checks.
** Dealing River ** : [4c ]
nomercy2k06 checks.
paulojk checks.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 1300 | Side Pot 1: 900
Board: [5sKd3h4s4c ]

itsjustme66 balance 600, lost 25 (folded)
miller19721 balance 18499, lost 25 (folded)
HeyCheech balance 1370, lost 25 (folded)
VinnyTheHack balance 4018, lost 25 (folded)
paulojk balance 935, lost 825 6sAs [ a pair of fours --AsKd6s4s4c ]

BUZTED balance 26801, lost 25 (folded)
gillinn balance 1770, lost 25 (folded)
MILAN2222 balance 3002, lost 25 (folded)
nomercy2k06 balance 11464, bet 825, collected 900, net +75 8hKc [ two pairs, kings and fours --KcKd8h4s4c ]
IMchunky balance 1300, bet 375, collected 1300, net +925 9d4d [ three of a kind, fours --Kd9d4d4s4c ]

***** Hand History for Game 3961948441 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 23:03:00 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (2250)
Seat 2: nvrfails (2360)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (2190)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (2290)
Seat 5: LLaarree (2060)
Seat 6: bato666 (2590)
Seat 7: paulojk (8855)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (2480)
Seat 9: crickoo (40375)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (2340)
QuasiGuru posts small blind (100)
LLaarree posts big blind (200)

Dealt to paulojk 7d3d
bato666 folds.
paulojk calls (200)
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo folds.
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 500

Hempo44 balance 2250, didn't bet (folded)
nvrfails balance 2360, didn't bet (folded)
wiwwiw balance 2190, didn't bet (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 2190, lost 100 (folded)
LLaarree balance 1860, lost 200 (folded)
bato666 balance 2590, didn't bet (folded)
paulojk balance 9155, bet 200, collected 500, net +300
SWE_JIM balance 2480, didn't bet (folded)
crickoo balance 40375, didn't bet (folded)
HokieJJ balance 2340, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3961950892 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 23:03:14 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (2250)
Seat 2: nvrfails (2360)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (2190)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (2190)
Seat 5: LLaarree (1860)
Seat 6: bato666 (2590)
Seat 7: paulojk (9155)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (2480)
Seat 9: crickoo (40375)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (2340)
LLaarree posts small blind (100)
bato666 posts big blind (200)

Dealt to paulojk QhJc
paulojk raises (400) to 400
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo folds.
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 700

Hempo44 balance 2250, didn't bet (folded)
nvrfails balance 2360, didn't bet (folded)
wiwwiw balance 2190, didn't bet (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 2190, didn't bet (folded)
LLaarree balance 1760, lost 100 (folded)
bato666 balance 2390, lost 200 (folded)
paulojk balance 9455, bet 400, collected 700, net +300
SWE_JIM balance 2480, didn't bet (folded)
crickoo balance 40375, didn't bet (folded)
HokieJJ balance 2340, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3961952547 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 23:03:24 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (2250)
Seat 2: nvrfails (2360)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (2190)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (2190)
Seat 5: LLaarree (1760)
Seat 6: bato666 (2390)
Seat 7: paulojk (9455)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (2480)
Seat 9: crickoo (40375)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (2340)
bato666 posts small blind (100)
paulojk posts big blind (200)

Dealt to paulojk 3d5d
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo raises (400) to 400
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
paulojk folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 700

Hempo44 balance 2250, didn't bet (folded)
nvrfails balance 2360, didn't bet (folded)
wiwwiw balance 2190, didn't bet (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 2190, didn't bet (folded)
LLaarree balance 1760, didn't bet (folded)
bato666 balance 2290, lost 100 (folded)
paulojk balance 9255, lost 200 (folded)
SWE_JIM balance 2480, didn't bet (folded)
crickoo balance 40675, bet 400, collected 700, net +300
HokieJJ balance 2340, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3961954382 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 23:03:34 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (2250)
Seat 2: nvrfails (2360)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (2190)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (2190)
Seat 5: LLaarree (1760)
Seat 6: bato666 (2290)
Seat 7: paulojk (9255)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (2480)
Seat 9: crickoo (40675)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (2340)
paulojk posts small blind (100)
SWE_JIM posts big blind (200)

Dealt to paulojk QhAd
crickoo folds.
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
paulojk raises (300) to 400
SWE_JIM folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 600

Hempo44 balance 2250, didn't bet (folded)
nvrfails balance 2360, didn't bet (folded)
wiwwiw balance 2190, didn't bet (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 2190, didn't bet (folded)
LLaarree balance 1760, didn't bet (folded)
bato666 balance 2290, didn't bet (folded)
paulojk balance 9455, bet 400, collected 600, net +200
SWE_JIM balance 2280, lost 200 (folded)
crickoo balance 40675, didn't bet (folded)
HokieJJ balance 2340, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3961956401 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 23:03:45 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (2250)
Seat 2: nvrfails (2360)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (2190)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (2190)
Seat 5: LLaarree (1760)
Seat 6: bato666 (2290)
Seat 7: paulojk (9455)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (2280)
Seat 9: crickoo (40675)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (2340)
SWE_JIM posts small blind (100)
crickoo posts big blind (200)

Dealt to paulojk Jh5h
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
paulojk folds.
SWE_JIM folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 300

Hempo44 balance 2250, didn't bet (folded)
nvrfails balance 2360, didn't bet (folded)
wiwwiw balance 2190, didn't bet (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 2190, didn't bet (folded)
LLaarree balance 1760, didn't bet (folded)
bato666 balance 2290, didn't bet (folded)
paulojk balance 9455, didn't bet (folded)
SWE_JIM balance 2180, lost 100 (folded)
crickoo balance 40775, bet 200, collected 300, net +100
HokieJJ balance 2340, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3961958004 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 23:03:54 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 8 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (2250)
Seat 2: nvrfails (2360)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (2190)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (2190)
Seat 5: LLaarree (1760)
Seat 6: bato666 (2290)
Seat 7: paulojk (9455)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (2180)
Seat 9: crickoo (40775)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (2340)
crickoo posts small blind (100)
HokieJJ posts big blind (200)

Dealt to paulojk 9d3s
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
paulojk folds.
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo raises (300) to 400
HokieJJ folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 600

Hempo44 balance 2250, didn't bet (folded)
nvrfails balance 2360, didn't bet (folded)
wiwwiw balance 2190, didn't bet (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 2190, didn't bet (folded)
LLaarree balance 1760, didn't bet (folded)
bato666 balance 2290, didn't bet (folded)
paulojk balance 9455, didn't bet (folded)
SWE_JIM balance 2180, didn't bet (folded)
crickoo balance 40975, bet 400, collected 600, net +200
HokieJJ balance 2140, lost 200 (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3961959283 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22041228) - Wed Apr 12 23:04:01 EDT 2006
Table $500 Freeroll(659391) Table 40 (Real Money) -- Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: itsjustme66 (600)
Seat 2: miller19721 (18499)
Seat 3: HeyCheech (1370)
Seat 4: VinnyTheHack (4018)
Seat 5: paulojk (935)
Seat 6: BUZTED (26801)
Seat 7: gillinn (1770)
Seat 8: MILAN2222 (3002)
Seat 9: nomercy2k06 (11464)
Seat 10: IMchunky (1300)
itsjustme66 posts ante (25)
miller19721 posts ante (25)
HeyCheech posts ante (25)
VinnyTheHack posts ante (25)
paulojk posts ante (25)
BUZTED posts ante (25)
gillinn posts ante (25)
MILAN2222 posts ante (25)
nomercy2k06 posts ante (25)
IMchunky posts ante (25)
IMchunky posts small blind (400)
itsjustme66 posts big blind (575)

Dealt to paulojk Js2c
miller19721 folds.
HeyCheech folds.
VinnyTheHack folds.
paulojk folds.
BUZTED folds.
gillinn folds.
MILAN2222 folds.
nomercy2k06 calls (800)
IMchunky folds.
Creating Main Pot with $1800 with itsjustme66
** Dealing Flop ** : [9d,Ts,4s ]
** Dealing Turn ** : [3d ]
** Dealing River ** : [8s ]
** Summary **
Main Pot: 1800 | Side Pot 1: 225
Board: [9dTs4s3d8s ]

itsjustme66 balance 0, lost 600 2s4c [ a pair of fours --Ts9d8s4c4s ]
miller19721 balance 18474, lost 25 (folded)
HeyCheech balance 1345, lost 25 (folded)
VinnyTheHack balance 3993, lost 25 (folded)
paulojk balance 910, lost 25 (folded)
BUZTED balance 26776, lost 25 (folded)
gillinn balance 1745, lost 25 (folded)
MILAN2222 balance 2977, lost 25 (folded)
nomercy2k06 balance 12664, bet 825, collected 2025, net +1200 2h9c [ a pair of nines --Ts9c9d8s4s ]
IMchunky balance 875, lost 425 (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3961959652 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 23:04:03 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (2250)
Seat 2: nvrfails (2360)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (2190)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (2190)
Seat 5: LLaarree (1760)
Seat 6: bato666 (2290)
Seat 7: paulojk (9455)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (2180)
Seat 9: crickoo (40975)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (2140)
HokieJJ posts small blind (100)
Hempo44 posts big blind (200)

Dealt to paulojk 8d6s
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
paulojk folds.
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo raises (400) to 400
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 700

Hempo44 balance 2050, lost 200 (folded)
nvrfails balance 2360, didn't bet (folded)
wiwwiw balance 2190, didn't bet (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 2190, didn't bet (folded)
LLaarree balance 1760, didn't bet (folded)
bato666 balance 2290, didn't bet (folded)
paulojk balance 9455, didn't bet (folded)
SWE_JIM balance 2180, didn't bet (folded)
crickoo balance 41275, bet 400, collected 700, net +300
HokieJJ balance 2040, lost 100 (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3961961986 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 23:04:16 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 10 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (2050)
Seat 2: nvrfails (2360)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (2190)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (2190)
Seat 5: LLaarree (1760)
Seat 6: bato666 (2290)
Seat 7: paulojk (9455)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (2180)
Seat 9: crickoo (41275)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (2040)
Hempo44 posts small blind (100)
nvrfails posts big blind (200)

Dealt to paulojk KhKs
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
paulojk raises (400) to 400
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo folds.
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 700

Hempo44 balance 1950, lost 100 (folded)
nvrfails balance 2160, lost 200 (folded)
wiwwiw balance 2190, didn't bet (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 2190, didn't bet (folded)
LLaarree balance 1760, didn't bet (folded)
bato666 balance 2290, didn't bet (folded)
paulojk balance 9755, bet 400, collected 700, net +300
SWE_JIM balance 2180, didn't bet (folded)
crickoo balance 41275, didn't bet (folded)
HokieJJ balance 2040, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3961963973 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 23:04:27 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (1950)
Seat 2: nvrfails (2160)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (2190)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (2190)
Seat 5: LLaarree (1760)
Seat 6: bato666 (2290)
Seat 7: paulojk (9755)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (2180)
Seat 9: crickoo (41275)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (2040)
nvrfails posts small blind (100)
wiwwiw posts big blind (200)

Dealt to paulojk 2sAh
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
paulojk raises (400) to 400
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo calls (400)
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
** Dealing Flop ** : [3d,Qh,8c ]
paulojk checks.
crickoo checks.
** Dealing Turn ** : [Kd ]
paulojk checks.
crickoo bets (200)
paulojk folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 1300
Board: [3dQh8cKd ]

Hempo44 balance 1950, didn't bet (folded)
nvrfails balance 2060, lost 100 (folded)
wiwwiw balance 1990, lost 200 (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 2190, didn't bet (folded)
LLaarree balance 1760, didn't bet (folded)
bato666 balance 2290, didn't bet (folded)
paulojk balance 9355, lost 400 (folded)
SWE_JIM balance 2180, didn't bet (folded)
crickoo balance 41975, bet 600, collected 1300, net +700
HokieJJ balance 2040, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3961964214 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22041228) - Wed Apr 12 23:04:28 EDT 2006
Table $500 Freeroll(659391) Table 40 (Real Money) -- Seat 10 is the button
Total number of players : 9
Seat 2: miller19721 (18474)
Seat 3: HeyCheech (1345)
Seat 4: VinnyTheHack (3993)
Seat 5: paulojk (910)
Seat 6: BUZTED (26776)
Seat 7: gillinn (1745)
Seat 8: MILAN2222 (2977)
Seat 9: nomercy2k06 (12664)
Seat 10: IMchunky (875)
miller19721 posts ante (25)
HeyCheech posts ante (25)
VinnyTheHack posts ante (25)
paulojk posts ante (25)
BUZTED posts ante (25)
gillinn posts ante (25)
MILAN2222 posts ante (25)
nomercy2k06 posts ante (25)
IMchunky posts ante (25)
miller19721 posts big blind (800)

Dealt to paulojk Js5c
HeyCheech folds.
VinnyTheHack raises (3968) to 3968
VinnyTheHack is all-In.
paulojk folds.
BUZTED folds.
gillinn folds.
MILAN2222 calls (2952)
MILAN2222 is all-In.
nomercy2k06 folds.
IMchunky folds.
miller19721 folds.
Creating Main Pot with $6929 with MILAN2222
Creating Side Pot 1 with $1016 with VinnyTheHack
** Dealing Flop ** : [7c,5h,Ac ]
** Dealing Turn ** : [4d ]
** Dealing River ** : [6c ]
** Summary **
Main Pot: 6929 | Side Pot 1: 1016
Board: [7c5hAc4d6c ]

miller19721 balance 17649, lost 825 (folded)
HeyCheech balance 1320, lost 25 (folded)
VinnyTheHack balance 1016, bet 3993, collected 1016, lost -2977 QcAs [ a pair of aces --AsAcQc7c6c ]
paulojk balance 885, lost 25 (folded)
BUZTED balance 26751, lost 25 (folded)
gillinn balance 1720, lost 25 (folded)
MILAN2222 balance 6929, bet 2977, collected 6929, net +3952 3c9c [ a flush, ace high --Ac9c7c6c3c ]
nomercy2k06 balance 12639, lost 25 (folded)
IMchunky balance 850, lost 25 (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3961968106 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 23:04:51 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (1950)
Seat 2: nvrfails (2060)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (1990)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (2190)
Seat 5: LLaarree (1760)
Seat 6: bato666 (2290)
Seat 7: paulojk (9355)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (2180)
Seat 9: crickoo (41975)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (2040)
wiwwiw posts small blind (100)
QuasiGuru posts big blind (200)

Dealt to paulojk 2dQc
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
paulojk raises (400) to 400
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo folds.
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 700

Hempo44 balance 1950, didn't bet (folded)
nvrfails balance 2060, didn't bet (folded)
wiwwiw balance 1890, lost 100 (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 1990, lost 200 (folded)
LLaarree balance 1760, didn't bet (folded)
bato666 balance 2290, didn't bet (folded)
paulojk balance 9655, bet 400, collected 700, net +300
SWE_JIM balance 2180, didn't bet (folded)
crickoo balance 41975, didn't bet (folded)
HokieJJ balance 2040, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3961970004 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 23:05:01 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (1950)
Seat 2: nvrfails (2060)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (1890)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (1990)
Seat 5: LLaarree (1760)
Seat 6: bato666 (2290)
Seat 7: paulojk (9655)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (2180)
Seat 9: crickoo (41975)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (2040)
QuasiGuru posts small blind (100)
LLaarree posts big blind (200)

Dealt to paulojk 5sAd
bato666 folds.
paulojk calls (200)
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo folds.
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 500

Hempo44 balance 1950, didn't bet (folded)
nvrfails balance 2060, didn't bet (folded)
wiwwiw balance 1890, didn't bet (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 1890, lost 100 (folded)
LLaarree balance 1560, lost 200 (folded)
bato666 balance 2290, didn't bet (folded)
paulojk balance 9955, bet 200, collected 500, net +300
SWE_JIM balance 2180, didn't bet (folded)
crickoo balance 41975, didn't bet (folded)
HokieJJ balance 2040, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3961970165 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22041228) - Wed Apr 12 23:05:02 EDT 2006
Table $500 Freeroll(659391) Table 40 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 9
Seat 2: miller19721 (17649)
Seat 3: HeyCheech (1320)
Seat 4: VinnyTheHack (1016)
Seat 5: paulojk (885)
Seat 6: BUZTED (26751)
Seat 7: gillinn (1720)
Seat 8: MILAN2222 (6929)
Seat 9: nomercy2k06 (12639)
Seat 10: IMchunky (850)
miller19721 posts ante (25)
HeyCheech posts ante (25)
VinnyTheHack posts ante (25)
paulojk posts ante (25)
BUZTED posts ante (25)
gillinn posts ante (25)
MILAN2222 posts ante (25)
nomercy2k06 posts ante (25)
IMchunky posts ante (25)
HeyCheech posts small blind (400)
VinnyTheHack posts big blind (800)

Dealt to paulojk 4c3s
paulojk folds.
BUZTED folds.
gillinn folds.
MILAN2222 calls (800)
nomercy2k06 calls (800)
IMchunky folds.
miller19721 folds.
HeyCheech folds.
VinnyTheHack raises (191) to 991
VinnyTheHack is all-In.
MILAN2222 calls (191)
nomercy2k06 calls (191)
Creating Main Pot with $3598 with VinnyTheHack
** Dealing Flop ** : [Ts,9d,As ]
MILAN2222 bets (800)
nomercy2k06 folds.
** Dealing Turn ** : [8h ]
** Dealing River ** : [6s ]
** Summary **
Main Pot: 3598 | Side Pot 1: 800
Board: [Ts9dAs8h6s ]

miller19721 balance 17624, lost 25 (folded)
HeyCheech balance 895, lost 425 (folded)
VinnyTheHack balance 0, lost 1016 8c9s [ two pairs, nines and eights --As9s9d8c8h ]
paulojk balance 860, lost 25 (folded)
BUZTED balance 26726, lost 25 (folded)
gillinn balance 1695, lost 25 (folded)
MILAN2222 balance 9511, bet 1816, collected 4398, net +2582 Ac6c [ two pairs, aces and sixes --AcAsTs6c6s ]
nomercy2k06 balance 11623, lost 1016 (folded)
IMchunky balance 825, lost 25 (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3961971436 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 23:05:09 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (1950)
Seat 2: nvrfails (2060)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (1890)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (1890)
Seat 5: LLaarree (1560)
Seat 6: bato666 (2290)
Seat 7: paulojk (9955)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (2180)
Seat 9: crickoo (41975)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (2040)
LLaarree posts small blind (100)
bato666 posts big blind (200)

Dealt to paulojk 9hTs
paulojk folds.
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo raises (400) to 400
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 700

Hempo44 balance 1950, didn't bet (folded)
nvrfails balance 2060, didn't bet (folded)
wiwwiw balance 1890, didn't bet (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 1890, didn't bet (folded)
LLaarree balance 1460, lost 100 (folded)
bato666 balance 2090, lost 200 (folded)
paulojk balance 9955, didn't bet (folded)
SWE_JIM balance 2180, didn't bet (folded)
crickoo balance 42275, bet 400, collected 700, net +300
HokieJJ balance 2040, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3961973057 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 23:05:18 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (1950)
Seat 2: nvrfails (2060)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (1890)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (1890)
Seat 5: LLaarree (1460)
Seat 6: bato666 (2090)
Seat 7: paulojk (9955)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (2180)
Seat 9: crickoo (42275)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (2040)
bato666 posts small blind (100)
paulojk posts big blind (200)

Dealt to paulojk Ad7d
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo folds.
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 300

Hempo44 balance 1950, didn't bet (folded)
nvrfails balance 2060, didn't bet (folded)
wiwwiw balance 1890, didn't bet (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 1890, didn't bet (folded)
LLaarree balance 1460, didn't bet (folded)
bato666 balance 1990, lost 100 (folded)
paulojk balance 10055, bet 200, collected 300, net +100
SWE_JIM balance 2180, didn't bet (folded)
crickoo balance 42275, didn't bet (folded)
HokieJJ balance 2040, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3961974547 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 23:05:27 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (1950)
Seat 2: nvrfails (2060)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (1890)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (1890)
Seat 5: LLaarree (1460)
Seat 6: bato666 (1990)
Seat 7: paulojk (10055)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (2180)
Seat 9: crickoo (42275)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (2040)
paulojk posts small blind (100)
SWE_JIM posts big blind (200)

Dealt to paulojk 2s9d
crickoo raises (400) to 400
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
paulojk folds.
SWE_JIM folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 700

Hempo44 balance 1950, didn't bet (folded)
nvrfails balance 2060, didn't bet (folded)
wiwwiw balance 1890, didn't bet (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 1890, didn't bet (folded)
LLaarree balance 1460, didn't bet (folded)
bato666 balance 1990, didn't bet (folded)
paulojk balance 9955, lost 100 (folded)
SWE_JIM balance 1980, lost 200 (folded)
crickoo balance 42575, bet 400, collected 700, net +300
HokieJJ balance 2040, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3961976155 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 23:05:35 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (1950)
Seat 2: nvrfails (2060)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (1890)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (1890)
Seat 5: LLaarree (1460)
Seat 6: bato666 (1990)
Seat 7: paulojk (9955)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (1980)
Seat 9: crickoo (42575)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (2040)
SWE_JIM posts small blind (100)
crickoo posts big blind (200)

Dealt to paulojk Ts5s
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
paulojk raises (400) to 400
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo raises (400) to 600
paulojk calls (200)
** Dealing Flop ** : [3h,Jc,2c ]
crickoo bets (200)
paulojk folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 1500
Board: [3hJc2c ]

Hempo44 balance 1950, didn't bet (folded)
nvrfails balance 2060, didn't bet (folded)
wiwwiw balance 1890, didn't bet (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 1890, didn't bet (folded)
LLaarree balance 1460, didn't bet (folded)
bato666 balance 1990, didn't bet (folded)
paulojk balance 9355, lost 600 (folded)
SWE_JIM balance 1880, lost 100 (folded)
crickoo balance 43275, bet 800, collected 1500, net +700
HokieJJ balance 2040, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3961978645 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22041228) - Wed Apr 12 23:05:50 EDT 2006
Table $500 Freeroll(659391) Table 40 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 9
Seat 1: cigaweed330 (13060)
Seat 2: miller19721 (17624)
Seat 3: HeyCheech (895)
Seat 5: paulojk (860)
Seat 6: BUZTED (26726)
Seat 7: gillinn (1695)
Seat 8: MILAN2222 (9511)
Seat 9: nomercy2k06 (11623)
Seat 10: IMchunky (825)
cigaweed330 posts ante (25)
miller19721 posts ante (25)
HeyCheech posts ante (25)
paulojk posts ante (25)
BUZTED posts ante (25)
gillinn posts ante (25)
MILAN2222 posts ante (25)
nomercy2k06 posts ante (25)
IMchunky posts ante (25)
paulojk posts big blind (800)

Dealt to paulojk Ad7s
BUZTED folds.
gillinn folds.
MILAN2222 folds.
nomercy2k06 folds.
IMchunky folds.
cigaweed330 folds.
miller19721 calls (800)
HeyCheech folds.
paulojk raises (35) to 835
paulojk is all-In.
miller19721 calls (35)
Creating Main Pot with $1895 with paulojk
** Dealing Flop ** : [8c,4s,Kh ]
** Dealing Turn ** : [Jh ]
** Dealing River ** : [9d ]
** Summary **
Main Pot: 1895 |
Board: [8c4sKhJh9d ]

cigaweed330 balance 13035, lost 25 (folded)
miller19721 balance 18659, bet 860, collected 1895, net +1035 KdAs [ a pair of kings --AsKdKhJh9d ]
HeyCheech balance 870, lost 25 (folded)
Sanford791 balance 25620, sits out
paulojk balance 0, lost 860 Ad7s [ high card ace --AdKhJh9d8c ]
BUZTED balance 26701, lost 25 (folded)
gillinn balance 1670, lost 25 (folded)
MILAN2222 balance 9486, lost 25 (folded)
nomercy2k06 balance 11598, lost 25 (folded)
IMchunky balance 800, lost 25 (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3961979765 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 23:05:56 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 8 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (1950)
Seat 2: nvrfails (2060)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (1890)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (1890)
Seat 5: LLaarree (1460)
Seat 6: bato666 (1990)
Seat 7: paulojk (9355)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (1880)
Seat 9: crickoo (43275)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (2040)
crickoo posts small blind (100)
HokieJJ posts big blind (200)

Dealt to paulojk AcAd
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
paulojk raises (400) to 400
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo folds.
HokieJJ folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 700

Hempo44 balance 1950, didn't bet (folded)
nvrfails balance 2060, didn't bet (folded)
wiwwiw balance 1890, didn't bet (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 1890, didn't bet (folded)
LLaarree balance 1460, didn't bet (folded)
bato666 balance 1990, didn't bet (folded)
paulojk balance 9655, bet 400, collected 700, net +300
SWE_JIM balance 1880, didn't bet (folded)
crickoo balance 43175, lost 100 (folded)
HokieJJ balance 1840, lost 200 (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3961981681 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 23:06:07 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (1950)
Seat 2: nvrfails (2060)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (1890)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (1890)
Seat 5: LLaarree (1460)
Seat 6: bato666 (1990)
Seat 7: paulojk (9655)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (1880)
Seat 9: crickoo (43175)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (1840)
HokieJJ posts small blind (100)
Hempo44 posts big blind (200)

Dealt to paulojk 2d2s
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
paulojk raises (400) to 400
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo folds.
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 700

Hempo44 balance 1750, lost 200 (folded)
nvrfails balance 2060, didn't bet (folded)
wiwwiw balance 1890, didn't bet (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 1890, didn't bet (folded)
LLaarree balance 1460, didn't bet (folded)
bato666 balance 1990, didn't bet (folded)
paulojk balance 9955, bet 400, collected 700, net +300
SWE_JIM balance 1880, didn't bet (folded)
crickoo balance 43175, didn't bet (folded)
HokieJJ balance 1740, lost 100 (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3961985402 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 23:06:28 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 10 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (1750)
Seat 2: nvrfails (2060)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (1890)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (1890)
Seat 5: LLaarree (1460)
Seat 6: bato666 (1990)
Seat 7: paulojk (9955)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (1880)
Seat 9: crickoo (43175)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (1740)
Hempo44 posts small blind (100)
nvrfails posts big blind (200)

Dealt to paulojk 2c3c
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
paulojk folds.
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo raises (400) to 400
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 700

Hempo44 balance 1650, lost 100 (folded)
nvrfails balance 1860, lost 200 (folded)
wiwwiw balance 1890, didn't bet (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 1890, didn't bet (folded)
LLaarree balance 1460, didn't bet (folded)
bato666 balance 1990, didn't bet (folded)
paulojk balance 9955, didn't bet (folded)
SWE_JIM balance 1880, didn't bet (folded)
crickoo balance 43475, bet 400, collected 700, net +300
HokieJJ balance 1740, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3961987141 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 23:06:38 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (1650)
Seat 2: nvrfails (1860)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (1890)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (1890)
Seat 5: LLaarree (1460)
Seat 6: bato666 (1990)
Seat 7: paulojk (9955)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (1880)
Seat 9: crickoo (43475)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (1740)
nvrfails posts small blind (100)
wiwwiw posts big blind (200)

Dealt to paulojk 3c3s
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
paulojk raises (400) to 400
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo calls (400)
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
** Dealing Flop ** : [Ah,4d,Kd ]
paulojk checks.
crickoo bets (200)
paulojk folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 1300
Board: [Ah4dKd ]

Hempo44 balance 1650, didn't bet (folded)
nvrfails balance 1760, lost 100 (folded)
wiwwiw balance 1690, lost 200 (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 1890, didn't bet (folded)
LLaarree balance 1460, didn't bet (folded)
bato666 balance 1990, didn't bet (folded)
paulojk balance 9555, lost 400 (folded)
SWE_JIM balance 1880, didn't bet (folded)
crickoo balance 44175, bet 600, collected 1300, net +700
HokieJJ balance 1740, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3961990373 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 23:06:56 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (1650)
Seat 2: nvrfails (1760)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (1690)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (1890)
Seat 5: LLaarree (1460)
Seat 6: bato666 (1990)
Seat 7: paulojk (9555)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (1880)
Seat 9: crickoo (44175)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (1740)
wiwwiw posts small blind (100)
QuasiGuru posts big blind (200)

Dealt to paulojk AsQd
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
paulojk raises (400) to 400
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo raises (600) to 600
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
paulojk raises (400) to 800
crickoo calls (200)
** Dealing Flop ** : [Ah,6h,Ts ]
paulojk bets (200)
crickoo raises (400) to 400
paulojk raises (400) to 600
crickoo raises (400) to 800
paulojk calls (200)
** Dealing Turn ** : [6c ]
paulojk checks.
crickoo bets (200)
paulojk calls (200)
** Dealing River ** : [8h ]
paulojk checks.
crickoo bets (6225)
paulojk calls (6225)
** Summary **
Main Pot: 16350
Board: [Ah6hTs6c8h ]

Hempo44 balance 1650, didn't bet (folded)
nvrfails balance 1760, didn't bet (folded)
wiwwiw balance 1590, lost 100 (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 1690, lost 200 (folded)
LLaarree balance 1460, didn't bet (folded)
bato666 balance 1990, didn't bet (folded)
paulojk balance 1530, lost 8025 AsQd [ two pairs, aces and sixes --AsAhQd6h6c ]

SWE_JIM balance 1880, didn't bet (folded)
crickoo balance 52500, bet 8025, collected 16350, net +8325 TdTh [ a full house, Tens full of sixes --TdThTs6h6c ]
HokieJJ balance 1740, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3961996310 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 23:07:30 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (1650)
Seat 2: nvrfails (1760)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (1590)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (1690)
Seat 5: LLaarree (1460)
Seat 6: bato666 (1990)
Seat 7: paulojk (1530)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (1880)
Seat 9: crickoo (52500)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (1740)
QuasiGuru posts small blind (100)
LLaarree posts big blind (200)

Dealt to paulojk Tc8c
bato666 folds.
paulojk: ???
paulojk calls (200)
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo folds.
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 500

Hempo44 balance 1650, didn't bet (folded)
nvrfails balance 1760, didn't bet (folded)
wiwwiw balance 1590, didn't bet (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 1590, lost 100 (folded)
LLaarree balance 1260, lost 200 (folded)
bato666 balance 1990, didn't bet (folded)
paulojk balance 1830, bet 200, collected 500, net +300
SWE_JIM balance 1880, didn't bet (folded)
crickoo balance 52500, didn't bet (folded)
HokieJJ balance 1740, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3961998701 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 23:07:43 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (1650)
Seat 2: nvrfails (1760)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (1590)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (1590)
Seat 5: LLaarree (1260)
Seat 6: bato666 (1990)
Seat 7: paulojk (1830)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (1880)
Seat 9: crickoo (52500)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (1740)
LLaarree posts small blind (100)
bato666 posts big blind (200)

Dealt to paulojk Jh9c
paulojk folds.
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo raises (400) to 400
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 700

Hempo44 balance 1650, didn't bet (folded)
nvrfails balance 1760, didn't bet (folded)
wiwwiw balance 1590, didn't bet (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 1590, didn't bet (folded)
LLaarree balance 1160, lost 100 (folded)
bato666 balance 1790, lost 200 (folded)
paulojk balance 1830, didn't bet (folded)
SWE_JIM balance 1880, didn't bet (folded)
crickoo balance 52800, bet 400, collected 700, net +300
HokieJJ balance 1740, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3962000339 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 23:07:52 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (1650)
Seat 2: nvrfails (1760)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (1590)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (1590)
Seat 5: LLaarree (1160)
Seat 6: bato666 (1790)
Seat 7: paulojk (1830)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (1880)
Seat 9: crickoo (52800)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (1740)
bato666 posts small blind (100)
paulojk posts big blind (200)

Dealt to paulojk 8cKd
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo folds.
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 300

Hempo44 balance 1650, didn't bet (folded)
nvrfails balance 1760, didn't bet (folded)
wiwwiw balance 1590, didn't bet (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 1590, didn't bet (folded)
LLaarree balance 1160, didn't bet (folded)
bato666 balance 1690, lost 100 (folded)
paulojk balance 1930, bet 200, collected 300, net +100
SWE_JIM balance 1880, didn't bet (folded)
crickoo balance 52800, didn't bet (folded)
HokieJJ balance 1740, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3962001938 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 23:08:01 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (1650)
Seat 2: nvrfails (1760)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (1590)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (1590)
Seat 5: LLaarree (1160)
Seat 6: bato666 (1690)
Seat 7: paulojk (1930)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (1880)
Seat 9: crickoo (52800)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (1740)
paulojk posts small blind (100)
SWE_JIM posts big blind (200)

Dealt to paulojk 2d3d
crickoo raises (52800) to 52800
crickoo is all-In.
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
paulojk folds.
SWE_JIM folds.
Creating Main Pot with $53100 with crickoo
** Summary **
Main Pot: 53100

Hempo44 balance 1650, didn't bet (folded)
nvrfails balance 1760, didn't bet (folded)
wiwwiw balance 1590, didn't bet (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 1590, didn't bet (folded)
LLaarree balance 1160, didn't bet (folded)
bato666 balance 1690, didn't bet (folded)
paulojk balance 1830, lost 100 (folded)
SWE_JIM balance 1680, lost 200 (folded)
crickoo balance 53100, bet 52800, collected 53100, net +300
HokieJJ balance 1740, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3962003941 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 23:08:13 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (1650)
Seat 2: nvrfails (1760)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (1590)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (1590)
Seat 5: LLaarree (1160)
Seat 6: bato666 (1690)
Seat 7: paulojk (1830)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (1680)
Seat 9: crickoo (53100)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (1740)
SWE_JIM posts small blind (100)
crickoo posts big blind (200)

Dealt to paulojk TcQh
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
paulojk raises (400) to 400
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 700

Hempo44 balance 1650, didn't bet (folded)
nvrfails balance 1760, didn't bet (folded)
wiwwiw balance 1590, didn't bet (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 1590, didn't bet (folded)
LLaarree balance 1160, didn't bet (folded)
bato666 balance 1690, didn't bet (folded)
paulojk balance 2130, bet 400, collected 700, net +300
SWE_JIM balance 1580, lost 100 (folded)
crickoo balance 52900, lost 200 (folded)
HokieJJ balance 1740, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3962006439 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 23:08:27 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 8 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (1650)
Seat 2: nvrfails (1760)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (1590)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (1590)
Seat 5: LLaarree (1160)
Seat 6: bato666 (1690)
Seat 7: paulojk (2130)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (1580)
Seat 9: crickoo (52900)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (1740)
crickoo posts small blind (100)
HokieJJ posts big blind (200)

Dealt to paulojk 3c9c
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
paulojk folds.
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo raises (300) to 400
HokieJJ folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 600

Hempo44 balance 1650, didn't bet (folded)
nvrfails balance 1760, didn't bet (folded)
wiwwiw balance 1590, didn't bet (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 1590, didn't bet (folded)
LLaarree balance 1160, didn't bet (folded)
bato666 balance 1690, didn't bet (folded)
paulojk balance 2130, didn't bet (folded)
SWE_JIM balance 1580, didn't bet (folded)
crickoo balance 53100, bet 400, collected 600, net +200
HokieJJ balance 1540, lost 200 (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3962008452 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 23:08:38 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (1650)
Seat 2: nvrfails (1760)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (1590)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (1590)
Seat 5: LLaarree (1160)
Seat 6: bato666 (1690)
Seat 7: paulojk (2130)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (1580)
Seat 9: crickoo (53100)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (1540)
HokieJJ posts small blind (100)
Hempo44 posts big blind (200)

Dealt to paulojk 6sQs
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
paulojk raises (400) to 400
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo folds.
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 700

Hempo44 balance 1450, lost 200 (folded)
nvrfails balance 1760, didn't bet (folded)
wiwwiw balance 1590, didn't bet (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 1590, didn't bet (folded)
LLaarree balance 1160, didn't bet (folded)
bato666 balance 1690, didn't bet (folded)
paulojk balance 2430, bet 400, collected 700, net +300
SWE_JIM balance 1580, didn't bet (folded)
crickoo balance 53100, didn't bet (folded)
HokieJJ balance 1440, lost 100 (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3962010178 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 23:08:48 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 10 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (1450)
Seat 2: nvrfails (1760)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (1590)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (1590)
Seat 5: LLaarree (1160)
Seat 6: bato666 (1690)
Seat 7: paulojk (2430)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (1580)
Seat 9: crickoo (53100)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (1440)
Hempo44 posts small blind (100)
nvrfails posts big blind (200)

Dealt to paulojk 6s7c
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
paulojk folds.
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo raises (400) to 400
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 700

Hempo44 balance 1350, lost 100 (folded)
nvrfails balance 1560, lost 200 (folded)
wiwwiw balance 1590, didn't bet (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 1590, didn't bet (folded)
LLaarree balance 1160, didn't bet (folded)
bato666 balance 1690, didn't bet (folded)
paulojk balance 2430, didn't bet (folded)
SWE_JIM balance 1580, didn't bet (folded)
crickoo balance 53400, bet 400, collected 700, net +300
HokieJJ balance 1440, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3962011824 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 23:08:58 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (1350)
Seat 2: nvrfails (1560)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (1590)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (1590)
Seat 5: LLaarree (1160)
Seat 6: bato666 (1690)
Seat 7: paulojk (2430)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (1580)
Seat 9: crickoo (53400)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (1440)
nvrfails posts small blind (100)
wiwwiw posts big blind (200)

Dealt to paulojk Td2d
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
paulojk calls (200)
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo raises (400) to 400
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
paulojk folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 900

Hempo44 balance 1350, didn't bet (folded)
nvrfails balance 1460, lost 100 (folded)
wiwwiw balance 1390, lost 200 (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 1590, didn't bet (folded)
LLaarree balance 1160, didn't bet (folded)
bato666 balance 1690, didn't bet (folded)
paulojk balance 2230, lost 200 (folded)
SWE_JIM balance 1580, didn't bet (folded)
crickoo balance 53900, bet 400, collected 900, net +500
HokieJJ balance 1440, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3962014124 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 23:09:11 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (1350)
Seat 2: nvrfails (1460)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (1390)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (1590)
Seat 5: LLaarree (1160)
Seat 6: bato666 (1690)
Seat 7: paulojk (2230)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (1580)
Seat 9: crickoo (53900)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (1440)
wiwwiw posts small blind (100)
QuasiGuru posts big blind (200)

Dealt to paulojk 6cTs
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
paulojk folds.
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo raises (400) to 400
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 700

Hempo44 balance 1350, didn't bet (folded)
nvrfails balance 1460, didn't bet (folded)
wiwwiw balance 1290, lost 100 (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 1390, lost 200 (folded)
LLaarree balance 1160, didn't bet (folded)
bato666 balance 1690, didn't bet (folded)
paulojk balance 2230, didn't bet (folded)
SWE_JIM balance 1580, didn't bet (folded)
crickoo balance 54200, bet 400, collected 700, net +300
HokieJJ balance 1440, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3962015706 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 23:09:20 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (1350)
Seat 2: nvrfails (1460)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (1290)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (1390)
Seat 5: LLaarree (1160)
Seat 6: bato666 (1690)
Seat 7: paulojk (2230)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (1580)
Seat 9: crickoo (54200)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (1440)
QuasiGuru posts small blind (100)
LLaarree posts big blind (200)

Dealt to paulojk 5d7d
bato666 folds.
paulojk folds.
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo raises (400) to 400
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 700

Hempo44 balance 1350, didn't bet (folded)
nvrfails balance 1460, didn't bet (folded)
wiwwiw balance 1290, didn't bet (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 1290, lost 100 (folded)
LLaarree balance 960, lost 200 (folded)
bato666 balance 1690, didn't bet (folded)
paulojk balance 2230, didn't bet (folded)
SWE_JIM balance 1580, didn't bet (folded)
crickoo balance 54500, bet 400, collected 700, net +300
HokieJJ balance 1440, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3962017200 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 23:09:29 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (1350)
Seat 2: nvrfails (1460)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (1290)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (1290)
Seat 5: LLaarree (960)
Seat 6: bato666 (1690)
Seat 7: paulojk (2230)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (1580)
Seat 9: crickoo (54500)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (1440)
LLaarree posts small blind (100)
bato666 posts big blind (200)

Dealt to paulojk 9d3d
paulojk folds.
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo raises (400) to 400
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 700

Hempo44 balance 1350, didn't bet (folded)
nvrfails balance 1460, didn't bet (folded)
wiwwiw balance 1290, didn't bet (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 1290, didn't bet (folded)
LLaarree balance 860, lost 100 (folded)
bato666 balance 1490, lost 200 (folded)
paulojk balance 2230, didn't bet (folded)
SWE_JIM balance 1580, didn't bet (folded)
crickoo balance 54800, bet 400, collected 700, net +300
HokieJJ balance 1440, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3962018746 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 23:09:38 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (1350)
Seat 2: nvrfails (1460)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (1290)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (1290)
Seat 5: LLaarree (860)
Seat 6: bato666 (1490)
Seat 7: paulojk (2230)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (1580)
Seat 9: crickoo (54800)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (1440)
bato666 posts small blind (100)
paulojk posts big blind (200)

Dealt to paulojk Qc6d
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo folds.
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 300

Hempo44 balance 1350, didn't bet (folded)
nvrfails balance 1460, didn't bet (folded)
wiwwiw balance 1290, didn't bet (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 1290, didn't bet (folded)
LLaarree balance 860, didn't bet (folded)
bato666 balance 1390, lost 100 (folded)
paulojk balance 2330, bet 200, collected 300, net +100
SWE_JIM balance 1580, didn't bet (folded)
crickoo balance 54800, didn't bet (folded)
HokieJJ balance 1440, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3962020378 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 23:09:48 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (1350)
Seat 2: nvrfails (1460)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (1290)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (1290)
Seat 5: LLaarree (860)
Seat 6: bato666 (1390)
Seat 7: paulojk (2330)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (1580)
Seat 9: crickoo (54800)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (1440)
paulojk posts small blind (100)
SWE_JIM posts big blind (200)

Dealt to paulojk 7c5c
crickoo folds.
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
paulojk calls (100)
SWE_JIM folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 400

Hempo44 balance 1350, didn't bet (folded)
nvrfails balance 1460, didn't bet (folded)
wiwwiw balance 1290, didn't bet (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 1290, didn't bet (folded)
LLaarree balance 860, didn't bet (folded)
bato666 balance 1390, didn't bet (folded)
paulojk balance 2530, bet 200, collected 400, net +200
SWE_JIM balance 1380, lost 200 (folded)
crickoo balance 54800, didn't bet (folded)
HokieJJ balance 1440, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3962023029 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 23:10:03 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (1350)
Seat 2: nvrfails (1460)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (1290)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (1290)
Seat 5: LLaarree (860)
Seat 6: bato666 (1390)
Seat 7: paulojk (2530)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (1380)
Seat 9: crickoo (54800)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (1440)
SWE_JIM posts small blind (100)
crickoo posts big blind (200)

Dealt to paulojk Qc6d
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
paulojk folds.
SWE_JIM folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 300

Hempo44 balance 1350, didn't bet (folded)
nvrfails balance 1460, didn't bet (folded)
wiwwiw balance 1290, didn't bet (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 1290, didn't bet (folded)
LLaarree balance 860, didn't bet (folded)
bato666 balance 1390, didn't bet (folded)
paulojk balance 2530, didn't bet (folded)
SWE_JIM balance 1280, lost 100 (folded)
crickoo balance 54900, bet 200, collected 300, net +100
HokieJJ balance 1440, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3962024615 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 23:10:12 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 8 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (1350)
Seat 2: nvrfails (1460)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (1290)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (1290)
Seat 5: LLaarree (860)
Seat 6: bato666 (1390)
Seat 7: paulojk (2530)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (1280)
Seat 9: crickoo (54900)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (1440)
crickoo posts small blind (150)
HokieJJ posts big blind (300)

Dealt to paulojk 2h3s
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
paulojk folds.
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo raises (450) to 600
HokieJJ folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 900

Hempo44 balance 1350, didn't bet (folded)
nvrfails balance 1460, didn't bet (folded)
wiwwiw balance 1290, didn't bet (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 1290, didn't bet (folded)
LLaarree balance 860, didn't bet (folded)
bato666 balance 1390, didn't bet (folded)
paulojk balance 2530, didn't bet (folded)
SWE_JIM balance 1280, didn't bet (folded)
crickoo balance 55200, bet 600, collected 900, net +300
HokieJJ balance 1140, lost 300 (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3962026558 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 23:10:24 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (1350)
Seat 2: nvrfails (1460)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (1290)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (1290)
Seat 5: LLaarree (860)
Seat 6: bato666 (1390)
Seat 7: paulojk (2530)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (1280)
Seat 9: crickoo (55200)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (1140)
HokieJJ posts small blind (150)
Hempo44 posts big blind (300)

Dealt to paulojk Qd6h
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
paulojk folds.
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo raises (600) to 600
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 1050

Hempo44 balance 1050, lost 300 (folded)
nvrfails balance 1460, didn't bet (folded)
wiwwiw balance 1290, didn't bet (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 1290, didn't bet (folded)
LLaarree balance 860, didn't bet (folded)
bato666 balance 1390, didn't bet (folded)
paulojk balance 2530, didn't bet (folded)
SWE_JIM balance 1280, didn't bet (folded)
crickoo balance 55650, bet 600, collected 1050, net +450
HokieJJ balance 990, lost 150 (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3962028300 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 23:10:33 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 10 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (1050)
Seat 2: nvrfails (1460)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (1290)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (1290)
Seat 5: LLaarree (860)
Seat 6: bato666 (1390)
Seat 7: paulojk (2530)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (1280)
Seat 9: crickoo (55650)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (990)
Hempo44 posts small blind (150)
nvrfails posts big blind (300)

Dealt to paulojk Td3c
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
paulojk folds.
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo raises (600) to 600
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 1050

Hempo44 balance 900, lost 150 (folded)
nvrfails balance 1160, lost 300 (folded)
wiwwiw balance 1290, didn't bet (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 1290, didn't bet (folded)
LLaarree balance 860, didn't bet (folded)
bato666 balance 1390, didn't bet (folded)
paulojk balance 2530, didn't bet (folded)
SWE_JIM balance 1280, didn't bet (folded)
crickoo balance 56100, bet 600, collected 1050, net +450
HokieJJ balance 990, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3962029848 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 23:10:42 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (900)
Seat 2: nvrfails (1160)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (1290)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (1290)
Seat 5: LLaarree (860)
Seat 6: bato666 (1390)
Seat 7: paulojk (2530)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (1280)
Seat 9: crickoo (56100)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (990)
nvrfails posts small blind (150)
wiwwiw posts big blind (300)

Dealt to paulojk 4c4h
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
paulojk calls (300)
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo folds.
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 750

Hempo44 balance 900, didn't bet (folded)
nvrfails balance 1010, lost 150 (folded)
wiwwiw balance 990, lost 300 (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 1290, didn't bet (folded)
LLaarree balance 860, didn't bet (folded)
bato666 balance 1390, didn't bet (folded)
paulojk balance 2980, bet 300, collected 750, net +450
SWE_JIM balance 1280, didn't bet (folded)
crickoo balance 56100, didn't bet (folded)
HokieJJ balance 990, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3962031617 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 23:10:53 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (900)
Seat 2: nvrfails (1010)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (990)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (1290)
Seat 5: LLaarree (860)
Seat 6: bato666 (1390)
Seat 7: paulojk (2980)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (1280)
Seat 9: crickoo (56100)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (990)
wiwwiw posts small blind (150)
QuasiGuru posts big blind (300)

Dealt to paulojk 5h2h
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
paulojk folds.
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo raises (600) to 600
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 1050

Hempo44 balance 900, didn't bet (folded)
nvrfails balance 1010, didn't bet (folded)
wiwwiw balance 840, lost 150 (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 990, lost 300 (folded)
LLaarree balance 860, didn't bet (folded)
bato666 balance 1390, didn't bet (folded)
paulojk balance 2980, didn't bet (folded)
SWE_JIM balance 1280, didn't bet (folded)
crickoo balance 56550, bet 600, collected 1050, net +450
HokieJJ balance 990, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3962033366 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 23:11:03 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (900)
Seat 2: nvrfails (1010)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (840)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (990)
Seat 5: LLaarree (860)
Seat 6: bato666 (1390)
Seat 7: paulojk (2980)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (1280)
Seat 9: crickoo (56550)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (990)
QuasiGuru posts small blind (150)
LLaarree posts big blind (300)

Dealt to paulojk Ks7d
bato666 folds.
paulojk calls (300)
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo raises (600) to 600
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
paulojk folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 1350

Hempo44 balance 900, didn't bet (folded)
nvrfails balance 1010, didn't bet (folded)
wiwwiw balance 840, didn't bet (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 840, lost 150 (folded)
LLaarree balance 560, lost 300 (folded)
bato666 balance 1390, didn't bet (folded)
paulojk balance 2680, lost 300 (folded)
SWE_JIM balance 1280, didn't bet (folded)
crickoo balance 57300, bet 600, collected 1350, net +750
HokieJJ balance 990, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3962035715 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 23:11:17 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (900)
Seat 2: nvrfails (1010)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (840)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (840)
Seat 5: LLaarree (560)
Seat 6: bato666 (1390)
Seat 7: paulojk (2680)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (1280)
Seat 9: crickoo (57300)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (990)
LLaarree posts small blind (150)
bato666 posts big blind (300)

Dealt to paulojk 9dQd
paulojk folds.
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo raises (600) to 600
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 1050

Hempo44 balance 900, didn't bet (folded)
nvrfails balance 1010, didn't bet (folded)
wiwwiw balance 840, didn't bet (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 840, didn't bet (folded)
LLaarree balance 410, lost 150 (folded)
bato666 balance 1090, lost 300 (folded)
paulojk balance 2680, didn't bet (folded)
SWE_JIM balance 1280, didn't bet (folded)
crickoo balance 57750, bet 600, collected 1050, net +450
HokieJJ balance 990, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3962037283 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 23:11:26 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (900)
Seat 2: nvrfails (1010)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (840)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (840)
Seat 5: LLaarree (410)
Seat 6: bato666 (1090)
Seat 7: paulojk (2680)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (1280)
Seat 9: crickoo (57750)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (990)
bato666 posts small blind (150)
paulojk posts big blind (300)

Dealt to paulojk QsAs
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo raises (600) to 600
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
paulojk raises (2380) to 2680
paulojk is all-In.
crickoo calls (2080)
Creating Main Pot with $5510 with paulojk
** Dealing Flop ** : [8d,Jc,3s ]
** Dealing Turn ** : [Ah ]
** Dealing River ** : [Ks ]
** Summary **
Main Pot: 5510 |
Board: [8dJc3sAhKs ]

Hempo44 balance 900, didn't bet (folded)
nvrfails balance 1010, didn't bet (folded)
wiwwiw balance 840, didn't bet (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 840, didn't bet (folded)
LLaarree balance 410, didn't bet (folded)
bato666 balance 940, lost 150 (folded)
paulojk balance 5510, bet 2680, collected 5510, net +2830 QsAs [ a pair of aces --AsAhKsQsJc ]
SWE_JIM balance 1280, didn't bet (folded)
crickoo balance 55070, lost 2680 4hKh [ a pair of kings --AhKhKsJc8d ]
HokieJJ balance 990, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3962040216 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 23:11:43 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (900)
Seat 2: nvrfails (1010)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (840)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (840)
Seat 5: LLaarree (410)
Seat 6: bato666 (940)
Seat 7: paulojk (5510)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (1280)
Seat 9: crickoo (55070)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (990)
paulojk posts small blind (150)
SWE_JIM posts big blind (300)

Dealt to paulojk Ah2d
crickoo folds.
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
paulojk raises (450) to 600
SWE_JIM folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 900

Hempo44 balance 900, didn't bet (folded)
nvrfails balance 1010, didn't bet (folded)
wiwwiw balance 840, didn't bet (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 840, didn't bet (folded)
LLaarree balance 410, didn't bet (folded)
bato666 balance 940, didn't bet (folded)
paulojk balance 5810, bet 600, collected 900, net +300
SWE_JIM balance 980, lost 300 (folded)
crickoo balance 55070, didn't bet (folded)
HokieJJ balance 990, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3962042046 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 23:11:54 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (900)
Seat 2: nvrfails (1010)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (840)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (840)
Seat 5: LLaarree (410)
Seat 6: bato666 (940)
Seat 7: paulojk (5810)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (980)
Seat 9: crickoo (55070)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (990)
SWE_JIM posts small blind (150)
crickoo posts big blind (300)

Dealt to paulojk JhAd
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
paulojk raises (5810) to 5810
paulojk is all-In.
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo calls (5510)
Creating Main Pot with $11770 with paulojk
** Dealing Flop ** : [8h,Kc,As ]
** Dealing Turn ** : [6h ]
** Dealing River ** : [3c ]
** Summary **
Main Pot: 11770 |
Board: [8hKcAs6h3c ]

Hempo44 balance 900, didn't bet (folded)
nvrfails balance 1010, didn't bet (folded)
wiwwiw balance 840, didn't bet (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 840, didn't bet (folded)
LLaarree balance 410, didn't bet (folded)
bato666 balance 940, didn't bet (folded)
paulojk balance 11770, bet 5810, collected 11770, net +5960 JhAd [ a pair of aces --AdAsKcJh8h ]
SWE_JIM balance 830, lost 150 (folded)
crickoo balance 49260, lost 5810 KsJc [ a pair of kings --AsKsKcJc8h ]
HokieJJ balance 990, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3962046587 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 23:12:20 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 8 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (900)
Seat 2: nvrfails (1010)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (840)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (840)
Seat 5: LLaarree (410)
Seat 6: bato666 (940)
Seat 7: paulojk (11770)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (830)
Seat 9: crickoo (49260)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (990)
crickoo posts small blind (150)
HokieJJ posts big blind (300)

Dealt to paulojk 6s7h
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
paulojk folds.
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo raises (450) to 600
HokieJJ folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 900

Hempo44 balance 900, didn't bet (folded)
nvrfails balance 1010, didn't bet (folded)
wiwwiw balance 840, didn't bet (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 840, didn't bet (folded)
LLaarree balance 410, didn't bet (folded)
bato666 balance 940, didn't bet (folded)
paulojk balance 11770, didn't bet (folded)
SWE_JIM balance 830, didn't bet (folded)
crickoo balance 49560, bet 600, collected 900, net +300
HokieJJ balance 690, lost 300 (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3962048288 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 23:12:30 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (900)
Seat 2: nvrfails (1010)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (840)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (840)
Seat 5: LLaarree (410)
Seat 6: bato666 (940)
Seat 7: paulojk (11770)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (830)
Seat 9: crickoo (49560)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (690)
HokieJJ posts small blind (150)
Hempo44 posts big blind (300)

Dealt to paulojk 7h5c
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
paulojk folds.
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo raises (600) to 600
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 1050

Hempo44 balance 600, lost 300 (folded)
nvrfails balance 1010, didn't bet (folded)
wiwwiw balance 840, didn't bet (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 840, didn't bet (folded)
LLaarree balance 410, didn't bet (folded)
bato666 balance 940, didn't bet (folded)
paulojk balance 11770, didn't bet (folded)
SWE_JIM balance 830, didn't bet (folded)
crickoo balance 50010, bet 600, collected 1050, net +450
HokieJJ balance 540, lost 150 (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3962049865 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 23:12:39 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 10 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (600)
Seat 2: nvrfails (1010)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (840)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (840)
Seat 5: LLaarree (410)
Seat 6: bato666 (940)
Seat 7: paulojk (11770)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (830)
Seat 9: crickoo (50010)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (540)
Hempo44 posts small blind (150)
nvrfails posts big blind (300)

Dealt to paulojk Ad9d
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
paulojk raises (600) to 600
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo folds.
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 1050

Hempo44 balance 450, lost 150 (folded)
nvrfails balance 710, lost 300 (folded)
wiwwiw balance 840, didn't bet (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 840, didn't bet (folded)
LLaarree balance 410, didn't bet (folded)
bato666 balance 940, didn't bet (folded)
paulojk balance 12220, bet 600, collected 1050, net +450
SWE_JIM balance 830, didn't bet (folded)
crickoo balance 50010, didn't bet (folded)
HokieJJ balance 540, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3962051664 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 23:12:50 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (450)
Seat 2: nvrfails (710)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (840)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (840)
Seat 5: LLaarree (410)
Seat 6: bato666 (940)
Seat 7: paulojk (12220)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (830)
Seat 9: crickoo (50010)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (540)
nvrfails posts small blind (150)
wiwwiw posts big blind (300)

Dealt to paulojk 3dJc
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
paulojk folds.
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo raises (600) to 600
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 1050

Hempo44 balance 450, didn't bet (folded)
nvrfails balance 560, lost 150 (folded)
wiwwiw balance 540, lost 300 (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 840, didn't bet (folded)
LLaarree balance 410, didn't bet (folded)
bato666 balance 940, didn't bet (folded)
paulojk balance 12220, didn't bet (folded)
SWE_JIM balance 830, didn't bet (folded)
crickoo balance 50460, bet 600, collected 1050, net +450
HokieJJ balance 540, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3962053268 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 23:12:59 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (450)
Seat 2: nvrfails (560)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (540)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (840)
Seat 5: LLaarree (410)
Seat 6: bato666 (940)
Seat 7: paulojk (12220)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (830)
Seat 9: crickoo (50460)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (540)
wiwwiw posts small blind (150)
QuasiGuru posts big blind (300)

Dealt to paulojk Jd9c
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
paulojk folds.
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo raises (600) to 600
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 1050

Hempo44 balance 450, didn't bet (folded)
nvrfails balance 560, didn't bet (folded)
wiwwiw balance 390, lost 150 (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 540, lost 300 (folded)
LLaarree balance 410, didn't bet (folded)
bato666 balance 940, didn't bet (folded)
paulojk balance 12220, didn't bet (folded)
SWE_JIM balance 830, didn't bet (folded)
crickoo balance 50910, bet 600, collected 1050, net +450
HokieJJ balance 540, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3962054736 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 23:13:08 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (450)
Seat 2: nvrfails (560)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (390)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (540)
Seat 5: LLaarree (410)
Seat 6: bato666 (940)
Seat 7: paulojk (12220)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (830)
Seat 9: crickoo (50910)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (540)
QuasiGuru posts small blind (150)
LLaarree posts big blind (300)

Dealt to paulojk QsKc
bato666 folds.
paulojk raises (600) to 600
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo folds.
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 1050

Hempo44 balance 450, didn't bet (folded)
nvrfails balance 560, didn't bet (folded)
wiwwiw balance 390, didn't bet (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 390, lost 150 (folded)
LLaarree balance 110, lost 300 (folded)
bato666 balance 940, didn't bet (folded)
paulojk balance 12670, bet 600, collected 1050, net +450
SWE_JIM balance 830, didn't bet (folded)
crickoo balance 50910, didn't bet (folded)
HokieJJ balance 540, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3962056509 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 23:13:18 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (450)
Seat 2: nvrfails (560)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (390)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (390)
Seat 5: LLaarree (110)
Seat 6: bato666 (940)
Seat 7: paulojk (12670)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (830)
Seat 9: crickoo (50910)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (540)
LLaarree posts small blind (110)
bato666 posts big blind (300)

Dealt to paulojk 6hKd
paulojk folds.
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo raises (600) to 600
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree is all-In.
bato666 folds.
Creating Main Pot with $330 with LLaarree
** Dealing Flop ** : [Ah,Qh,Js ]
** Dealing Turn ** : [9h ]
** Dealing River ** : [9d ]
** Summary **
Main Pot: 330 | Side Pot 1: 680
Board: [AhQhJs9h9d ]

Hempo44 balance 450, didn't bet (folded)
nvrfails balance 560, didn't bet (folded)
wiwwiw balance 390, didn't bet (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 390, didn't bet (folded)
LLaarree balance 330, bet 110, collected 330, net +220 5c9s [ three of a kind, nines --AhQh9s9h9d ]
bato666 balance 640, lost 300 (folded)
paulojk balance 12670, didn't bet (folded)
SWE_JIM balance 830, didn't bet (folded)
crickoo balance 50990, bet 600, collected 680, net +80 3cTh [ a pair of nines --AhQhJs9h9d ]
HokieJJ balance 540, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 3962059368 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 23:13:35 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (450)
Seat 2: nvrfails (560)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (390)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (390)
Seat 5: LLaarree (330)
Seat 6: bato666 (640)
Seat 7: paulojk (12670)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (830)
Seat 9: crickoo (50990)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (540)
bato666 posts small blind (150)
paulojk posts big blind (300)

Dealt to paulojk JhAs
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo raises (600) to 600
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
paulojk raises (12370) to 12670
paulojk is all-In.
crickoo calls (12070)
Creating Main Pot with $25490 with paulojk
** Dealing Flop ** : [6d,2c,9s ]
** Dealing Turn ** : [Kd ]
** Dealing River ** : [7s ]
** Summary **
Main Pot: 25490 |
Board: [6d2c9sKd7s ]

Hempo44 balance 450, didn't bet (folded)
nvrfails balance 560, didn't bet (folded)
wiwwiw balance 390, didn't bet (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 390, didn't bet (folded)
LLaarree balance 330, didn't bet (folded)
bato666 balance 490, lost 150 (folded)
paulojk balance 0, lost 12670 JhAs [ high card ace --AsKdJh9s7s ]
SWE_JIM balance 830, didn't bet (folded)
crickoo balance 63810, bet 12670, collected 25490, net +12820 KsQd [ a pair of kings --KsKdQd9s7s ]
HokieJJ balance 540, didn't bet (folded)

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