DaEm0niCuS   United States. Apr 13 2006 02:21. Posts 3292
wow dude... aces are not invincible holy shit.......im suprised you didnt get stacked here. You cant play like that.
the pot is 19.25 and u raise 6$ making the pot 27.25 and only 6$ for them to call? thats just bad poker.... if your going to raise you have to get more folding value behind it or not raise at all. And then u bet 22$ on turn....no wonder your having a hard time, you cannot play aces like this unless your against 1 maybe 2 ppl. they each have 12-15% chance to outflop you with almost any hand multiply that by 4 and theres a 48-60% chance your behind on flop. add the fact that they all call and all get to see a turn your chances of being behind are very high.