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Show hand : 22931

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Handnr: 22931
Submitted by : pjbirriel

***** Hand History for Game 3961873627 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22040984) - Wed Apr 12 22:55:22 EDT 2006
Table $5K New Player Freeroll(659211) Table 160 (Real Money) -- Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Hempo44 (3450)
Seat 2: nvrfails (3560)
Seat 3: wiwwiw (3390)
Seat 4: QuasiGuru (3390)
Seat 5: LLaarree (2960)
Seat 6: bato666 (3490)
Seat 7: paulojk (8555)
Seat 8: SWE_JIM (3180)
Seat 9: crickoo (32275)
Seat 10: HokieJJ (3540)
SWE_JIM posts small blind (100)
crickoo posts big blind (200)

Dealt to paulojk As2c
HokieJJ folds.
Hempo44 folds.
nvrfails folds.
wiwwiw folds.
QuasiGuru folds.
LLaarree folds.
bato666 folds.
paulojk: let some for me
paulojk calls (200)
SWE_JIM folds.
crickoo: ok
crickoo checks.
** Dealing Flop ** : [Th,8h,Td ]
crickoo checks.
paulojk checks.
** Dealing Turn ** : [3s ]
crickoo checks.
paulojk checks.
** Dealing River ** : [4s ]
crickoo checks.
paulojk checks.
** Summary **
Main Pot: 500
Board: [Th8hTd3s4s ]

Hempo44 balance 3450, didn't bet (folded)
nvrfails balance 3560, didn't bet (folded)
wiwwiw balance 3390, didn't bet (folded)
QuasiGuru balance 3390, didn't bet (folded)
LLaarree balance 2960, didn't bet (folded)
bato666 balance 3490, didn't bet (folded)
paulojk balance 8355, lost 200 As2c [ a pair of tens --AsThTd8h4s ]

SWE_JIM balance 3080, lost 100 (folded)
crickoo balance 32575, bet 200, collected 500, net +300 Qs4c [ two pairs, tens and fours --QsThTd4c4s ]
HokieJJ balance 3540, didn't bet (folded)

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