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Show hand : 24206

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Handnr: 24206
Submitted by : libiagio

***** Hand History for Game 3989163458 *****
0/0 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (Tournament 22172146) - Sat Apr 15 18:00:55 EDT 2006
Table $500 Freeroll(662768) Table 43 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 9
Seat 1: Rayshabit (5369)
Seat 2: redTITAN04 (2940)
Seat 4: DjowKiller (2920)
Seat 5: fallpath (3731)
Seat 6: jayson711111 (3000)
Seat 7: paulsamsmith (3000)
Seat 8: x68IOU1x (6060)
Seat 9: xacresred (20)
Seat 10: James0622 (2960)
fallpath posts small blind (20)
jayson711111 posts big blind (40)

Dealt to DjowKiller AsAd
paulsamsmith raises (3000) to 3000
paulsamsmith is all-In.
x68IOU1x calls (3000)
xacresred calls (20)
xacresred is all-In.
James0622 folds.
Rayshabit folds.
redTITAN04 folds.
DjowKiller calls (2920)
DjowKiller is all-In.
fallpath calls (2980)
jayson711111 folds.
Creating Main Pot with $120 with xacresred
Creating Side Pot 1 with $11620 with DjowKiller
Creating Side Pot 2 with $240 with paulsamsmith
** Dealing Flop ** : [9c,8h,9h ]
fallpath bets (731)
fallpath is all-In.
x68IOU1x calls (731)
** Dealing Turn ** : [Ts ]
** Dealing River ** : [9s ]
Creating Side Pot 3 with $1462 with fallpath
** Summary **
Main Pot: 120 | Side Pot 1: 11620 | Side Pot 2: 240 | Side Pot 3: 1462 |
Board: [9c8h9hTs9s ]

Rayshabit balance 5369, didn't bet (folded)
redTITAN04 balance 2940, didn't bet (folded)
DjowKiller balance 11740, bet 2920, collected 11740, net +8820 AsAd [ a full house, Nines full of aces --AsAd9c9h9s ]
fallpath balance 0, lost 3731 3s3h [ a full house, Nines full of threes --9c9h9s3s3h ]
jayson711111 balance 2960, lost 40 (folded)
paulsamsmith balance 0, lost 3000 QcJh [ a straight, eight to queen --QcJhTs9c8h ]
x68IOU1x balance 4031, bet 3731, collected 1702, lost -2029 TdAc [ a full house, Nines full of tens --TdTs9c9h9s ]
xacresred balance 0, lost 20 AhJc [ three of a kind, nines --AhJc9c9h9s ]

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