wobbly_au   Australia. Aug 10 2007 07:41. Posts 6540
how do i play this vs a light 3 better...
4bet? or call 3bet and lead? or just call and try to c/r...
The Last Laugh.
Silver_nz   New Zealand. Aug 10 2007 07:41. Posts 5647
awkward as played... ~_~
just 4 bet if you are OOP, it will put him on tilt if he has to fold, he might give you a gift and shove over. in position, you could call as you won't give free cards
well, thats my 2c from the 2c tables
Last edit: 10/08/2007 07:45
Balzamon   Sweden. Aug 10 2007 07:43. Posts 2868
if hes superaggressive on the flop as well i guess you can just call the 3bet, otherwise you give him to much chance to hit something with his crap and it will be hard for you to put him on a hand so 4bet.