jattema jest na miejscu 0 z $207.80.
Rekkabena jest na miejscu 2 z $122.45.
shipley jest na miejscu 3 z $77.39.
Hero jest na miejscu 4 z $108.
wurstface jest na miejscu 5 z $124.80.
Krupier jest usadzony 4.
wurstface złożył stawkę w ciemno na sumę $.50.
jattema złożył stawkę w ciemno na sumę $1.
can't see anything I beat on the river now that I look at it. It was a tilt call I guess (that river tilted me).
dr-robberts   Germany. Aug 15 2007 12:11. Posts 9
I would probably bet a little less on the turn. If he is a good player he cant call there with a draw, which is what u want. When you bet less you wont commit yourself. The river is not a very bad card at least for decision making . Now you only defeat a stone cold bluff, decide how likely your opponent is to make such a bluff and check fold or check call. I dont think he would bluff there, the pot is huge and you showed considerable strength on the flop and turn.