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Show hand : 28380

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Handnr: 28380
Submitted by : TalentedTom

pokerstararm: such a joke
pokerstararm: such a fking joke
pokerstararm: hahahaha
pokerstararm: seriously how do you get rewarded for that
pokerstararm: un real
pokerstararm: talent?

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Karma    Australia. May 07 2006 12:34. Posts 3538

pokerstararm: remind me to bet the n uts out the a$$ against you tom
pokerstararm: what a retard
pokerstararm: just like any other online player
pokerstararm: cant fold AK
pokerstararm: kill yourself
pokerstararm: before i do
TalentedTom: umm
pokerstararm: freaking retard
TalentedTom: was it the right play?
pokerstararm: haha absolutely not
pokerstararm: you can't think youre GOOD there
pokerstararm: what a douche bag
TalentedTom: folding to your pathetic excuse for a bluff would be a bad play
Dealer: pokerstararm has three of a kind, Fours
Dealer: MoJoRisen69 has two pair, Kings and Fours
MoJoRisen69: i knew that 4 hurt
pokerstararm: hahaha pathetic
pokerstararm: if i would have gone all in you would have calle
pokerstararm: d
pokerstararm: you WERENT folding
MoJoRisen69: who me
pokerstararm: dont even pretend like it was a well thought out play
pokerstararm: no, tom
pokerstararm: what did you put me on!?!?!
pokerstararm: i knew you had AK i just thought you actually might HAVE some talent
pokerstararm: can't do much more in that spot
pokerstararm: everyone BET INTO TOM IF YOU HAVE THE NUTS

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fish mentality 

Ket    United Kingdom. May 07 2006 12:37. Posts 8665

what..? "nh"

fira   United States. May 07 2006 12:41. Posts 6345

sounds like a pissed off old geezer

cariadon   Estonia. May 07 2006 12:46. Posts 4019

Take his monies.

Rhaegar    Bulgaria. May 07 2006 15:58. Posts 2586

He's right you know..

One very suspicious player 


All hands submitted by TalentedTom:

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