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Show hand : 293244

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Handnr: 293244
Submitted by : Daggo

** Game ID 1665951676 starting - 2007-10-12 23:16:31
** Come On Down [Hold 'em] (0.05|0.10 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money
- guesito sitting in seat 1 with $23.85
- KoKu sitting in seat 2 with $10.00 [Sitting out]
- SickOfPkr sitting in seat 3 with $15.93
- ma6inka sitting in seat 4 with $18.27
- Forzza_Bajen sitting in seat 5 with $6.64 [Dealer]
- taltul sitting in seat 6 with $14.34
taltul posted the small blind - $0.05
guesito posted the big blind - $0.10

SickOfPkr folded
ma6inka raised - $0.40
Forzza_Bajen folded
taltul called - $0.40
guesito folded

Flop (Pot : $0.90)

taltul bet - $0.60
ma6inka raised - $1.80
taltul called - $1.80

Turn (Pot : $4.50)

taltul checked
ma6inka bet - $3.50
taltul called - $3.50

River (Pot : $11.50)

taltul went all-in - $8.69

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def_jammer   Germany. Oct 12 2007 16:57. Posts 1227

i call

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TalentedTom    Canada. Oct 12 2007 17:21. Posts 20070

snap call

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us and as we let our own lights shine we unconsciously give other people permision to do the same 


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