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Show hand : 30029

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Handnr: 30029
Submitted by : Moloch

Seat 1: Sheepdog429 ($8.75 in chips)
Seat 2: eviltwin666 ($25 in chips)
Seat 3: phillychef72 ($9.75 in chips)
Seat 4: farsan2 ($24.75 in chips)
Seat 5: tectacus ($24.35 in chips)
Seat 6: russell83 ($12.30 in chips)
Seat 7: drdroo45 ($14.25 in chips)
Seat 8: fugitimallin 7s($29.50 in chips)
Seat 9: socofgent ($25.35 in chips)
Seat 10: Noble Sire ($4 in chips)

Sheepdog429 posts blind ($0.15), eviltwin666 posts blind ($0.25).

phillychef72 bets $0.50, farsan2 folds, tectacus folds, russell83 calls $0.50, drdroo45 folds, fugitimallin calls $0.50, socofgent folds, Noble Sire folds, Sheepdog429 folds, eviltwin666 calls $0.25.

eviltwin666 checks, phillychef72 bets $1, russell83 folds, fugitimallin calls $1, eviltwin666 calls $1.

TURN [10DJsQs3c
eviltwin666 checks, phillychef72 bets $1.50, fugitimallin calls $1.50, eviltwin666 calls $1.50.

RIVER [10DJsQs3c6c
eviltwin666 checks, phillychef72 checks, fugitimallin checks.

eviltwin666 shows Ad10H ]
phillychef72 mucks cards8cAc
fugitimallin mucks cards9s7s
eviltwin666 wins $9.15.

Dealer: Noble Sire
Pot: $9.65, (including rake: $0.50)
Sheepdog429, loses $0.15
eviltwin666, bets $3, collects $9.15, net $6.15
phillychef72, loses $3
farsan2, loses $0
tectacus, loses $0
russell83, loses $0.50
drdroo45, loses $0
fugitimallin, loses $3
socofgent, loses $0
Noble Sire, loses $0

raise this flop? i thought it would be a bad idea as somebody might've already made a straight

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