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Show hand : 304823

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Handnr: 304823
Submitted by : CrownRoyal

** Game ID 1692802244 starting - 2007-10-29 11:58:14
** $2k Guarantee[1238862]:Table 2 [Hold 'em] (1600.00|3200.00 No Limit - MTT) Real Money
- toobias2 sitting in seat 1 with $40741.94 [Dealer]
- poke_mon sitting in seat 3 with $114576.12
- tehskies sitting in seat 4 with $15115.62
- Korvan sitting in seat 5 with $28777.48
- ariber sitting in seat 7 with $31880.82
- dashook sitting in seat 9 with $29848.02
poke_mon posted ante - $110.00
tehskies posted ante - $110.00
Korvan posted ante - $110.00
ariber posted ante - $110.00
dashook posted ante - $110.00
toobias2 posted ante - $110.00
poke_mon posted the small blind - $800.00
tehskies posted the big blind - $1600.00

Korvan folded
ariber raised - $3200.00
dashook folded
toobias2 folded
poke_mon folded
tehskies called - $3200.00

Flop (Pot : $7,200.00)

tehskies checked
ariber bet - $3930.00
tehskies went all-in - $13515.62
ariber called - $13515.62
ariber shows:8hAc

Turn (Pot : $34,231.24)


River (Pot : $34,231.24)

ariber wins $34891.24 from the main pot
End of game 1692802244

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CrownRoyal   United States. Oct 29 2007 11:03. Posts 11385

he couldn't have played this hand any better to take my money

bet half pot like most people would when they dont hit on an ace board, minraised pf which made me call, and left me with FE on the flop

too bad he's retarded and just completely lucky.

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