PandaSaurus   Australia. May 17 2006 13:51. Posts 1651
What do you put him on here?
He must have the A of spades to play it like he did...
Baalim   Mexico. May 17 2006 13:57. Posts 34272
probably, a small flush would raise the turn.
Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online
pinbaLL   Sweden. May 17 2006 14:01. Posts 7243
Put him on AQ with A of spades or something like that. With AK hed play back on my on turn, + if he had me on river he probably wouldnt check .,.
Im a retard cuz I have a little problem putting my thinking into words sometimes but I guess thats about it
TripSearchin   United States. May 17 2006 14:14. Posts 1058
QxQs or JxJs isnt a possibility?
god damn Rabinowitz luck...
pinbaLL   Sweden. May 17 2006 14:24. Posts 7243
Those hands would probably bet or checkraise on the flop. Considering his retard preflopplay I get the feeling an ace with midkicker with decent kicker is likely. Buuuuut what do I know. Rly iddnt feel like he had me after he checked river anyway