Showdown NeillyAA: shows (a pair of Fours)
gawdawaful: shows (a flush, Jack high)
gawdawaful collected $139.50 from pot
Summary Total pot $140 | Rake $0.50
Seat 1: gawdawaful (big blind) showed and won ($139.50) with a flush, Jack high
Seat 2: NeillyAA (button) (small blind) showed and lost with a pair of Fours
Showdown NeillyAA: shows (a pair of Aces)
Hero : mucks hand
NeillyAA collected $266.80 from pot
Summary Total pot $267.30 | Rake $0.50
Seat 1: Hero (button) (small blind) mucked
Seat 2: NeillyAA (big blind) showed and won ($266.80) with a pair of Aces