On flop I call with a masked straith draw and a backdoor flush draw. He thinks I either have a Q or a heart draw. On turn when the Q comes he checks, but that doesnt tell me anything. He might check-raise me. I wouldn't want to be blown off my perfect moneymaking position.
Instead of betting I check and see the next card, because if he doesn't have a hand I can take it away from him on the next card as well.
Now the fun stuff is if a heart comes he'll definitely fold, but if i complete my straith I'll stack him if he has a hand. I may check a 4 or a 5 on the river.
The tricky part is when I miss. When he bet on the river I thought he either has the queen (not likely, when ppl reraise preflop they rarely hit trips, except for aces and kings) or was bluffing.
There is no point for a high pair to bet the river, seeing as I either have a queen or a missed draw.
And also, quite important - I thought he was stealing preflop to begin with..
And btw, I'd sometimes get autocalled here and look stupid, but overall I think i played it very well. A good confidence booster. |