heinzalfred bets [$20.11].
djsmith54321: AK here
heinzalfred: AQ
heinzalfred: here
djsmith54321: thats what i think
heinzalfred: i show
djsmith54321 folds.
heinzalfred shows a pair of aces.
heinzalfred wins $61.91 from the main pot with a pair of aces.
well first in id raise AJs from that position
but when it gets raised you should fold because most hands that raise preflop kill you (AK/AQ/AA/KK/QQ/JJ) and if you do hit not many hands will pay you off
postflop i dont know.. i think its safer on that board to just check, i think if you hit youve got good impleid odds cos its difficult to put you on runner runner
but its jsut really hard to play AJ postflop, on flop i think its painfully obvious youre beat there too lol