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Show hand : 338233

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Handnr: 338233
Submitted by : freeyayo

PokerStars Game #13907951371: Tournament #69788370, $10+$1 Hold'em No Limit - Level II (15/30) - 2007/12/16 - 19:28:17 (ET)
Table '69788370 221' 9-max Seat #9 is the button
Seat 1: BreezyAA (2330 in chips)
Seat 2: treefaller12 (12470 in chips)
Seat 3: JimCelt (1797 in chips)
Seat 4: r.scoundrel (5085 in chips)
Seat 5: The_Ist@ri (2770 in chips)
Seat 6: javierito_su (5376 in chips)
Seat 7: Bnmakr1 (945 in chips)
Seat 8: kgfuf (2432 in chips)
Seat 9: StraybulletK (2405 in chips)
BreezyAA : posts small blind 15
treefaller12: posts big blind 30

Dealt to BreezyAA 7sAc
BreezyAA said, "wow"
JimCelt: calls 30
r.scoundrel: raises 120 to 150
BreezyAA said, "nice call pre you donk"
kgfuf said, "te imagina com dos 8"
The_Ist@ri: folds
javierito_su: folds
Bnmakr1: folds
kgfuf: calls 150
javierito_su said, "ahhh"
StraybulletK: folds
BreezyAA : folds
treefaller12: calls 120
JimCelt: folds

Flop (Pot : $495.00)

javierito_su said, "yo pense ke tenias un A"
treefaller12 said, "twice this torni"
treefaller12: checks
r.scoundrel: checks
kgfuf: checks

Turn (Pot : $495.00)

JimCelt said, "ur an idiot mate, ul be out in no time"
treefaller12: checks
r.scoundrel: bets 390
kgfuf: calls 390
treefaller12: folds

River (Pot : $1,275.00)

BreezyAA said, "me???"
r.scoundrel: checks
JimCelt said, "treefaller"
BreezyAA said, "oh yeah"
BreezyAA said, "wtf"
kgfuf: bets 1892 and is all-in
r.scoundrel: folds
kgfuf collected 1275 from pot
kgfuf: shows 8h9h (high card Ten)

Total pot 1275 | Rake 0
Board  2c5dTh4h3c
Seat 1: BreezyAA (small blind) folded before Flop
Seat 2: treefaller12 (big blind) folded on the Turn
Seat 3: JimCelt folded before Flop
Seat 4: r.scoundrel folded on the River
Seat 5: The_Ist@ri folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 6: javierito_su folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 7: Bnmakr1 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 8: kgfuf collected (1275)
Seat 9: StraybulletK (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)

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