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Handnr: 338707 Submitted by : EvilSky
Holecards [2007-12-17 19:00:49]: starting hand #5373776
Table: Santa's Candle - NL Hold'em €0.50/€1.00 - Real Money Table
Starting game seat 2 r34dy [€98.55]
seat 3 jagardel2001 [€121.25]
seat 4 MARCEL0 [€117.18]
seat 5 mozes13 [€63.98]
seat 6 valzboy [€296.56]
mozes13 posted SB (€0.50) valzboy posted BB (€1.00) Dealing cards :
valzboy: ,
r34dy folded jagardel2001 folded MARCEL0 called €1.00 mozes13 called €0.50 valzboy checked Betting round ended Main pot: €2.85
Dealing flop: , ,
mozes13 checked valzboy bet €3.00 MARCEL0 raised €3.00 to €6.00 mozes13 folded valzboy raised €11.00 to €17.00 MARCEL0 raised €99.18 to €116.18 valzboy called €99.18 Betting round ended Main pot: €233.36
Dealing turn:
Dealing river:
MARCEL0 showed :     ] - Two pairs, Aces and Fives valzboy showed :     ] - Straight, Four to Eight valzboy won main pot with Straight, Four to Eight valzboy won €233.36 Hand ended
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