asdf2000   United States. Dec 18 2007 21:04. Posts 7708
did I play this alright?
for some reason on turn I felt like he wasn't drawing. wasn't positive though.
I still think that instinct was right, I think he folded a weaker ace.
Grindin so hard, Im smashin pussies left and right.
PoorUser   United States. Dec 18 2007 21:04. Posts 7472
raise pf
need to bet turn, 9 is perfect turn...turn is bet/call push for sure
Gambler Emeritus
PoorUser   United States. Dec 18 2007 21:06. Posts 7472
there are so many draws out you have to bet almost every ax you ever have here to make him pay for his draws/make him make a poor decision/call with less for the possibility that you might have one of the possible 5000 draws
also given perfect turn/river you should probably bet river if you bet turn with just Ax since you split near all the time if he calsl
Gambler Emeritus
asdf2000   United States. Dec 18 2007 21:06. Posts 7708
alright, so basically I played it too weakly.
I only flatted PF to "mix up my game"
or is that not worth doing
Grindin so hard, Im smashin pussies left and right.
PoorUser   United States. Dec 18 2007 21:09. Posts 7472
ive never raelly liked flatting ak unless its either
-oop 3 way and you lead the flop on A/K and some bluff flops (better in FR i think)
-flatting to induce squeeze from some lag guy yet to act
sometimes flatting utg vs you as bb too i guess if its folds to you