SakiSaki   Sweden. May 30 2006 10:41. Posts 9685
not if you push after one reraise
what wackass site is this nigga?
PandaSaurus   Australia. May 30 2006 10:47. Posts 1651
Yeah it was definitely a bad push, but I'd been raising a lot from the button and he reraise looked as though he thought I was stealing. I shoulda just raised to 10 and gone from there.
Say I do just raise to 10 and he pushes (fairly solid player) do I fold or call?
Vic3Roy   Finland. May 30 2006 10:49. Posts 3049
Cutsss   France. May 30 2006 10:51. Posts 1198
if u push first, do you think most of the time when he calls, you're dominated or dominating? that's only what matters...
what is his hand range in this case? AK AA KK QQ JJ? AA KK? AA only? pushing first is most of the time worst than calling a push anyway
I believe in santa claus
Last edit: 30/05/2006 10:51
PandaSaurus   Australia. May 30 2006 11:01. Posts 1651
When he called I thought QQ or AA so when Q hit I knew I was fucked.
I just didn't think about it brilliantly at the time as you do sometimes when multi tabling.
SakiSaki   Sweden. May 30 2006 11:03. Posts 9685
Keep in mind that blindwars in nl50 n practicly nonexistent. ppl dont suspect steals and dont reraise with crap. Just consider this a usual situation and play acordningly
what wackass site is this nigga?
Refrain[FriZ]   Canada. May 30 2006 11:03. Posts 1395