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Show hand : 365987

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Handnr: 365987
Submitted by : bgcaiko

GAME #807336629: Texas Hold'em NL $0.25/$0.50 2008-01-20 12:58:32
Table Bohrium
Seat 1: 00BiAtch00 ($40.57 in chips)
Seat 3: qball10 ($54.03 in chips)
Seat 5: DUG0NG ($49.42 in chips)
Seat 6: caikoxxx ($61.70 in chips) DEALER
Seat 8: nutu2 ($51.00 in chips)
Seat 10: Aqualungmyfriend ($54.40 in chips)
nutu2: Post SB $0.25
Aqualungmyfriend: Post BB $0.50

Dealt to caikoxxx AsQd
Dealt to qball10 5hQh
00BiAtch00: Call $0.50
qball10: Call $0.50
DUG0NG: Fold
caikoxxx : Raise $2.50
nutu2: Fold
Aqualungmyfriend: Fold
00BiAtch00: Call $2.00
qball10: Call $2.00

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $8.25)

00BiAtch00: Check
qball10: Check
caikoxxx : Bet $7.50
00BiAtch00: Fold
qball10: Call $7.50

Turn(Odds) (Pot : $23.25)

qball10: Bet $10.00
caikoxxx : Call $10.00

River (Pot : $43.25)

qball10: Allin $34.03
caikoxxx : Call $34.03

Total pot $108.31 Rake $3.00
caikoxxx : wins $108.31

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