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Show hand : 383227

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Handnr: 383227
Submitted by : OTT CANADA

Full Tilt Poker Game #5228604043: $10 + $1 KO Sit & Go (39737634), Table 9 - 2000/4000 Ante 500 - No Limit Hold'em - 16:15:59 ET - 2008/02/12
Seat 1: XXX_In2Win_XXX (37,598)
Seat 3: Masterg79 (52,422)
Seat 5: devilshuba (30,236)
Seat 6: Hero (116,490)
Seat 7: TenPennyDub (33,254)
XXX_In2Win_XXX antes 500
Masterg79 antes 500
devilshuba antes 500
Hero antes 500
TenPennyDub antes 500
devilshuba posts the small blind of 2,000
Hero posts the big blind of 4,000
The button is in seat #3

Dealt to Hero ThAs
TenPennyDub folds
XXX_In2Win_XXX folds
Masterg79 raises to 16,000
devilshuba folds
Hero raises to 115,990, and is all in
Masterg79 calls 35,922, and is all in
Hero shows ThAs
Masterg79 shows JsTs
Uncalled bet of 64,068 returned to Hero

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $108,344.00)


Turn(Odds) (Pot : $108,344.00)

Hero : OMG J10 are you kiddding
Hero : dude

River (Pot : $108,344.00)

Hero shows a pair of Sevens
Hero : thats not good there
Masterg79 shows two pair, Jacks and Sevens
Masterg79 wins the pot (108,344) with two pair, Jacks and Sevens
Hero : ever

Total pot 108,344 | Rake 0
Board:  4hKh7h7cJd
Seat 1: XXX_In2Win_XXX folded before the Flop
Seat 3: Masterg79 (button) showed JsTs and won (108,344) with two pair, Jacks and Sevens
Seat 5: devilshuba (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Hero (big blind) showed ThAs and lost with a pair of Sevens
Seat 7: TenPennyDub folded before the Flop

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