hey u coulda played this better in order to make more $$$ 
u have the ultimate flop ever but u just got to, GOT to raise either the flop or the turn. which is of course painful when you've got the nuts and its risking making them fold. but u want to get all the money in the middle by the river.
if you just call the flop and the turn, the pot on the river is only $0.44 which means its almost impossible u can get him all in.
its alrite to slow play on the flop since its quite safe, but if you do you just have to raise the turn, like raise it to at least 0.40c.
its quite likely if you raise turn he is calling with any straight draw including gutshots if he's bad, as well as any Q or maybe any J
just keep thinking "how can i get it all in by the river" as the hand plays out when you have a really good hand  |