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Show hand : 409958

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Handnr: 409958
Submitted by : bgcaiko

** Game ID 1931470829 starting - 2008-03-23 16:55:39
** Queen Fabiola Lily [Hold 'em] (0.25|0.50 No Limit - € Cash Game) Real Money
- dobbe11 sitting in seat 1 with €52.33
- vildis56 sitting in seat 3 with €52.69
- SuisoZZZ sitting in seat 4 with €63.24
- witte1 sitting in seat 5 with €3.82
- TeraPatrick sitting in seat 6 with €56.01 [Dealer]
dobbe11 posted the small blind - €0.25
vildis56 posted the big blind - €0.50

SuisoZZZ raised - €2.00
witte1 folded
TeraPatrick called - €2.00
dobbe11 folded
vildis56 folded

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $0.00)

SuisoZZZ bet - €4.75
TeraPatrick raised - €15.49
SuisoZZZ went all-in - €56.49
TeraPatrick went all-in - €38.52

Turn(Odds) (Pot : $0.00)


River (Pot : $0.00)

TeraPatrick shows:8h8c
SuisoZZZ shows:KsKd
SuisoZZZ wins €109.77 from the main pot
End of game 1931470829

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