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Show hand : 467651

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Handnr: 467651
Submitted by : Stevchy

Full Tilt Poker Game #6860128872: $3,000 Guarantee (52037513), Table 4 - 80/160 - No Limit Hold'em - 9:35:14 ET - 2008/06/17
Seat 1: NANNYANDPAPA (2,345)
Seat 2: aSSbANGbANG (11,475)
Seat 3: Motwgtsyw (1,180)
Seat 4: Heime (7,830)
Seat 5: nicks67 (5,105)
Seat 6: Stevchenko (3,090)
Seat 7: aunte44 (4,820)
Seat 8: Ramshaw (6,700)
Seat 9: Lennos tapis (3,240)
Ramshaw posts the small blind of 80
Lennos tapis posts the big blind of 160
The button is in seat #7

Dealt to Stevchenko ThJh
aSSbANGbANG has 15 seconds left to act
aSSbANGbANG calls 160
Motwgtsyw folds
Heime folds
nicks67 folds
Stevchenko calls 160
aunte44 folds
Ramshaw folds
Lennos tapis checks

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $560.00)

Lennos tapis checks
aSSbANGbANG bets 320
Stevchenko has 15 seconds left to act
Stevchenko raises to 800
Lennos tapis folds
aSSbANGbANG raises to 1,280
Stevchenko raises to 2,930, and is all in
aSSbANGbANG calls 1,650
Stevchenko shows ThJh
aSSbANGbANG shows Ks2s

Turn(Odds) (Pot : $6,420.00)


River (Pot : $6,420.00)

Stevchenko shows two pair, Kings and Jacks
aSSbANGbANG shows three of a kind, Kings
aSSbANGbANG wins the pot (6,420) with three of a kind, Kings
Stevchenko stands up

Total pot 6,420 | Rake 0
Board:  JsKcTd5dKd
Seat 1: NANNYANDPAPA didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: aSSbANGbANG showed Ks2s and won (6,420) with three of a kind, Kings
Seat 3: Motwgtsyw didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: Heime didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: nicks67 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Stevchenko showed ThJh and lost with two pair, Kings and Jacks
Seat 7: aunte44 (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 8: Ramshaw (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 9: Lennos tapis (big blind) folded on the Flop

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ck20   . Jun 17 2008 08:09. Posts 1130

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