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Show hand : 468050

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Handnr: 468050
Submitted by : mwazio

Hand #1535012341000245: Willemstad (6-max) 12341
Seat 5: huan*** (25.90 in chips)
Seat 6: iammojo (109.55 in chips)
Seat 9: tale*** (61.30 in chips)
Seat 10: antd*** (27.65 in chips)
tale***: posts small blind $0.25
antd***: posts big blind $0.50
Dealt to iammojo [8cTd9hJh ]
huan***: calls
iammojo: raises to $2.25
tale***: folds
antd***: folds
huan***: calls
@@@ F_L_O_P @@@ [KdTc6s ]
huan***: checks
iammojo: bets $5.25
huan***: raises to $21
iammojo: raises to $63
huan***: is all in 2.6500
iammojo: returns uncalled bet $39.35
huan***: showsKcAd3cKs
iammojo: shows8cTd9hJh
# # # TURN # # # [7c ]
&&& RIVER &&& [9s ]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
iammojo wins $50.55 with Straight, Jack high

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