YoMeR   United States. Jan 09 2006 22:38. Posts 12438
rofl what a donk.
eZ Life.
InSideOut   Canada. Jan 09 2006 22:47. Posts 854
i dont like the reraise on turn. if u just call and a blank shows he'll just check down most likely and if flush card comes u get his stack anyways. I think theres just to many things he could have, would do u guys think?
YoMeR   United States. Jan 09 2006 23:00. Posts 12438
the best he could have had from my read was a mid pp. that woulda been the worst case, and in that case i would have had lots of outs to beat it. But my gut told me draw. He would have slow played the trips cuz all donks slow play big hands in raised pots. so i pushed since he was a small stack and I was going to bet most of his stack or all on the river anyways.