collegesucks   United States. Aug 21 2008 16:55. Posts 5780
so standard T-T
PplusAD   Germany. Aug 21 2008 17:02. Posts 7180
outplayed on river !
btw why are u down at Nl10 again ?
didnt u work ure way up again from Nl25 to Nl100/Nl200 HU ?
U see what i did there with A8 ? He 4 bets and there we go insta jam A8 : ---booooom -- . hahahaha ( Krantz)
Day[9]   United States. Aug 21 2008 17:04. Posts 3447
lol where do people get this information!
PplusAD   Germany. Aug 21 2008 17:09. Posts 7180
On August 21 2008 16:04 Day[9] wrote:
lol where do people get this information!
From your blog and from being a NL100 HU player at Pokerstars myself for some time seing u at the tables ?
i am really confused right now ....
Either i was drunk and see dead people
ore ure really acting like some drama right now pretending to know nothing ?
U see what i did there with A8 ? He 4 bets and there we go insta jam A8 : ---booooom -- . hahahaha ( Krantz)
Last edit: 21/08/2008 17:10
Day[9]   United States. Aug 21 2008 17:14. Posts 3447
oh those must have happened in the other order
i haven't played higher than 25NL since my big blog post