He didn't have even remotely close to imlied odds. He would have needed to profit about 25 times as much as his $35 dollar call to have implied odds. You can't consider that he has two cards to come, because if he misses he will have to call another bet. He only profited around $500 from the call, which is a far cry from the $875 he would have needed to make the call correct based on implied odds. Also he can't have known that he was going to get an all in bet out of holyfish even if he did catch a 6. All that being said, I don't really think the call on the flop was so horrible, since you were the raiser it wasnt unlikely that you missed the flop and made a continuation bet, but he probably didnt want to raise with pair of sixes because if he raises to big he runs the risk of loosing a big pot with and under pair, and if the raise is too small, he likely gives you 6 outs to beat him on the turn, and decent odds to continue. Also with this flop, if you bet out with AK, AQ, KQ, AJ, or some other hand, a call would most likely prevent you from betting again on the turn if you don't improve, since you know by then that it is hard for you not to be beat. So I don't really think golftosk really played so badly, he just made a call that would have looked great if you had one of the above hands, and got lucky. |