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Show hand : 544777

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Handnr: 544777
Submitted by : mwazio

Hand #1651012083000100: Hong Kong (1 on 1) 12083
Seat 1: Ilik*** (1034.00 in chips)
Seat 6: yahtzeemania (802.15 in chips)
yahtzeemania: posts small blind $5
Ilik***: posts big blind $10
Dealt to yahtzeemania [AhKs ]
yahtzeemania: raises to $30
Ilik***: raises to $110
yahtzeemania: raises to $300
Ilik***: is all in 924.0000
yahtzeemania: is all in 502.1500
Ilik***: returns uncalled bet $231.85
Ilik***: showsJhJc
yahtzeemania: showsAhKs
@@@ F_L_O_P @@@ [7cAs6s ]
# # # TURN # # # [Kd ]
&&& RIVER &&& [3d ]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
yahtzeemania wins $1,603.80 with Two Pairs, Aces and Kings

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