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Show hand : 596904

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Handnr: 596904
Submitted by : KajriSs

***** Hand 1381578394 *****
1000.00/2000.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit) - Sunday, December 28, 2008 4:42:26 PM
€100,000 LottoFrenzy (Real/Tournament)
Seat 1: Dr.Snuggel (100.00)
Seat 2: maikol1 (570.00)
Seat 3: atchi (1550.00)
Seat 4: PEPE479 (90.00)
Seat 5: henrique95 (1090.00)
Seat 6: Hero (580.00)
Seat 7: kolosso (100.00)
Seat 8: sosocupido (280.00)
Seat 9: Unknown (0.00)
Seat 10: loosman (640.00)
loosman post SB 1000.00
Dr.Snuggel post BB 2000.00
** Deal **
maikol1 Fold
atchi All-in 1550.00
PEPE479 All-in 90.00
henrique95 All-in 1090.00
Hero All-in 580.00
kolosso Fold
sosocupido Fold
*** Flop(Board): *** :Ac6hTh
*** Turn(Board): *** :Ac6hThAh
*** River(Board): *** :Ac6hThAh9d


Rake: 0.00 Total Pot: 3590.00
Dr.SnuggelTd7s Two pair aces and tens Win: 0.00
maikol1 Fold Win: 0.00
atchi3s3h Two pair aces and threes Win: 0.00
PEPE4797cTc Two pair aces and tens Win: 0.00
henrique955s5c Two pair aces and fives Win: 900.00
HeroAdAs Four of a kind, aces Win: 2510.00
kolosso Fold Win: 0.00
sosocupido Fold Win: 0.00
loosman8d8c Two pair aces and eights Win: 180.00

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