I think you lost a lot of value here on turn. so on the flop when he donks then calls a raise he either has Qx, 8x, 910, 10J, set slowplaying in my mind. SO turn comes 5s now giving potential backdoor draw and the same range as flop. SO whatever you bet as long as its a normal amount he will either be calling or folding. Meaning he either keeps c/c draws or c/f them, clearly is c/c a Qx and folding some 8x hands but not the ones that picked up extra outs like 78, 89 that the 5 brings and of course whatever spade combos he could have had. This means you should be betting as big as you can get away with to charge draws and set up a bigger river potsize for the hands he can c/c river with, like Qx.
so turn should be like 32-36/39 setting up way under potsize river shove
river completes the backdoor spades and QK but he checks so unlikely he has it so its either the missed draws we said or a hand like QJ that probably still calls even though river is shitty so river shove
I think you stacked him anyways but if he had those draw hands we lost a lot of value like 6bbs