A week after that ridiculous monkey swing I made, I've recovered my loses and then some, even dropped to NL5 for a while when I was at my lowest point
I took a couple days off cuz we got a wii at my house, and have been getting really good at tennis (so addictive) and getting a ridiculous amount of sleep (16 hrs last night after 4 straight nights of 4-6 hrs of sleep)
Was wondering if anyone can give me some good titles to buy for the wii and a brief explanation of why the games good if possible. (especially Zelda)
OK heres my recent sharkscope, I ran 20 $11 HU SnG's this morning and pulled a nice profit, although I could have won a few more bi's if it weren't for suckouts, standard variance, w/e. I did run better than my last session which was nice.

I'm going to run $11 HU SnG's until I have $840 and move up to the $23 level
Ever since switching to sng's, i've been pulling a nice profit everyday with very little or no stress while playing, its just as good as fr imo, which I'll still play when I just wanna nit it up.
I'd also like to say that I got a little out of line with my last post to crownroyal, I over-reacted at him, hes been stabbin at me for a while and I was in a really pissy mood and just wrote up a retarded blog on how hes a retard, but hes a person and deserves respect, so i'll do my best to lay off.